Baltimore Sun

Transition to LED light not so simple

- — Michael Ernest, Catonsvill­e

Some of the climate activists might have you believe LED light bulbs are the greatest invention since sliced bread and are simple drop-in replacemen­ts for incandesce­nt bulbs. They need to do their homework. The current administra­tion not only wants to prematurel­y obsolete a century-old technology of fossil fueled mobility but an even longer lighting technology (“GOP trapped in costly climate denial,” Aug. 19).

But let me focus on LED light bulbs. A lot of appliances over decades have been developed to work in tandem with this rather simple incandesce­nt technology and simply dropping in an LED bulb will not always work. I have adapted to using LEDs where possible but early on faced two major obstacles. One is its use in an enclosed fixture. While I am a user of Smart LED bulbs, I have read that they are not suitable for enclosed fixtures.

Where I have run into a major problem is two very expensive fanlight systems that will not function with full LED replacemen­t which was verified by the manufactur­er. I am sure others in this country have purchased such appliances and are in the same boat.

This means if I wanted to operate the fan, the lights will always be on as well since turning off the light switch leaves some light on. By chance, I found a work around by including one incandesce­nt in the array of four bulbs. I am not about to spend hundreds of dollars to replace current fixtures that have been working well for over three decades.

The Biden administra­tion in its haste to obsolete Thomas Edison’s superb invention didn’t do their homework as well.

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