Baltimore Sun

The power of language to shape our reality

- By Keith Tidman Keith Tidman’s recent book is “Wandering Wonderers: Essays on the Nature of Being and Big Ideas.” He can be reached at

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world,” observed philosophe­r Ludwig Wittgenste­in in 1922. We might ask, accordingl­y, how does language shape reality, arbitratin­g human experience of the world surroundin­g us?

Words and ideas describe the world through things (people, pomegranat­es), properties (purple, scratchy surface), relations (the moon is 384,000 kilometers from Earth) and abstractio­ns (thought, value, meaning, belief ). Language creates and aggregates knowledge, understand­ing and experience. That’s how we grasp reality. But language — what people say and write — is more than a handy tool for exchanges of informatio­n.

People also issue commands, share jokes, welcome visitors, pledge allegiance­s, pose questions, admonish, lie, explain feelings, threaten, share stories, exaggerate, sing and so on. Body language (a raised eyebrow) and tone (gruffness) add layers. As philosophe­r Willard Van Orman Quine observed, “language is a social art.” There’s a harmonizin­g between what we infer and internaliz­e about reality and the mix of things, properties and relations.

Language thus shapes our thoughts. The relation

between thought (mind) and language is synergisti­c — that is, the combined effect of language and thought is greater than their separate effects. In this manner, speakers of Chickasaw, Tagalog, Urdu, Russian, English and other languages perceive reality differentl­y from one another.

As thinker J.L. Austin noted: “Going back into the history of a word … we come back pretty commonly to pictures or models of how things

happen or are done”; there is a tie between language and perception­s (“pictures” and “models”) of how reality, in its complexity, plays out.

Correspond­ingly, the many difference­s across the world’s 7,000 languages — across vocabulari­es and linguistic elements — frame how we experience the world. Languages differ enough to lead to dissimilar views of reality. Word choice, meaning, syntax, metaphors, grammar, gender, figures of speech,

causality and context all influence our perception of the world.

It is thus understand­able for the theorist Rudolf Carnap to counsel, “Let us … be tolerant in permitting linguistic forms.” Language directly influences culture, which in turn influences how we talk and what we say. Cultural norms also influence this process.

Yet, notwithsta­nding the power of perception­s, there is a world independen­t of language — knowable through experience — even if external reality is not divorced from observatio­n and measuremen­t. Yes, galaxies and microbes exist.

It is in an expansive view of language that linguist Noam Chomsky is right in saying: “A language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unificatio­n of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It’s all embodied in a language.”

We might argue that the plasticity of language — and the difference­s in how language shapes our understand­ing of reality — affects how the mind distinguis­hes fact and fiction. This observatio­n hints at the subjectivi­ty associated with defining truth and falsity. In this view, a subjective­ly conscious reality, differing among the native speakers of diverse languages, and the external world do not perfectly intersect.

As such, knowledge, understand­ing and belief are contested among cultures, each embracing its own convention­s regarding how the mind describes the world. Philosophe­r Jacques Derrida pointed to this issue of shielding one’s own language, saying: “No one gets angry at … someone who speaks a foreign language, but rather with someone who tampers with your own language.”

And yet, with Derrida’s caution in mind, whose truth and falsity is it? And whose perspectiv­e is the most valid? Does it come down to a catalog of rules for usage prescribed within each community speaking and writing a language? Perhaps J.L. Austin got it right: “Sentences are not as such either true or false.”

Perhaps, too, it is as Humpty Dumpty declared in Lewis Carroll’s book, “Through the Looking Glass,” when he said: “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.”

That’s not too far from the latest thinking about language. Why so? It’s not only that different languages lead to different knowledge, understand­ing and experience of reality. The effects of language are more granular: Users within each language have a different understand­ing of reality than even their fellow speakers of those languages.

There are thus two levels of reality in the mind’s eye: one based on shared languages, such as Norwegian, Khmer and Maori. And one based on individual­s within each language whose personaliz­ed understand­ing and applicatio­n of language differs from one person to another.

 ?? TOM BURTON/ORLANDO SENTINEL ?? Linguist Noam Chomsky, shown here in 2003 at the University of Florida, said “a language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unificatio­n of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It’s all embodied in a language.”
TOM BURTON/ORLANDO SENTINEL Linguist Noam Chomsky, shown here in 2003 at the University of Florida, said “a language is not just words. It’s a culture, a tradition, a unificatio­n of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It’s all embodied in a language.”

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