Baltimore Sun

Partner’s restless sleep can affect your z’s, too

Strategies can help manage ‘bad sleeper’ sharing bed with you

- By Catherine Pearson

My husband is a restless sleeper. He thrashes around, yanks the comforter up to his chin, then flings it off seconds later — at which point he is often covered in sweat.

When I asked him whether this was an accurate descriptio­n of his sleep, he told me not to leave out that he consistent­ly wakes up around 2 a.m. and fiddles on his phone.

I have always been a heavy sleeper. But as I move into middle age, I am more sensitive to his restlessne­ss. Now, when I’m feeling rundown after a night of interrupte­d sleep, resentment creeps in.

Sleeping well is complicate­d when more than one person is involved, said Wendy Troxel, a senior behavioral scientist at the Rand Corp.

Many people relish the sense of safety and security that can come from sharing a bed with a partner, she said, but in some couplings, “the level of disturbanc­e starts to override the psychologi­cal benefits.”

A January survey from SleepFound­ found that 53% of those polled who had decided to sleep separately said it improved their sleep quality.

But a “sleep divorce” isn’t the only option. We asked Troxel and other experts for strategies for managing bedtime with a restless sleeper.

Look for underlying issues:

“Restless sleeper” is a broad, nonclinica­l term that people use for someone who drifts in and out of sleep or moves around a lot, said Philip Gehrman, an associate professor of clinical psychology in psychiatry at Penn Medicine.

But sometimes, “restless” sleepers really have an underlying sleep disorder.

Encourage your partner to check in with their primary care physician, he said, who may recommend a sleep clinic or specialist to perform an overnight sleep study, which looks for such conditions as restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea or chronic insomnia.

“People are so afraid to get a sleep study because they think they’re going to have to sleep in a lab and have all these wires” attached, said Shelby Harris, a clinical associate professor of neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. But noninvasiv­e homebased sleep studies are common, too.

Sometimes, restlessne­ss is simply a sign of discomfort, and just a few tweaks can pay off. It may help to attach two twin mattresses with a connector, Harris said. That lets you and your partner determine how soft or firm you want your mattresses to be — which can cut down on being jostled by your partner’s movements. Separate blankets can also help, Troxel said.

Some beds have technology that allows couples to adjust their sides for comfort, Harris said, or you can invest in individual mattress pads with heating or cooling capabiliti­es.

Hack the bed: Respect your partner’s sleep patterns:

Sleep patterns are partly hardwired, and couples may run into issues when trying to sync up.

Night owls may be fidgety simply because they’re not really tired yet, and that can keep a morning lark awake.

“There’s this idea that ‘Well, we have to go to bed at the same time or else there’s something wrong with our relationsh­ip.’ No!” Gehrman said. “Maybe one person just needs to get into bed earlier than the other and get into a good, sound sleep before the night owl comes in.”

Most deep sleep happens in the first third of the night, he said, so giving the earlier-to-bed partner 30 to 45 minutes before you sneak in is a good rule of thumb.

Look within: Troxel has worked with couples in which one partner has some sleep issue but misattribu­tes his or her awakenings to a bedmate.

It can help to look at your own sleep habits and hygiene and consider whether there are steps you can take to sleep more soundly — even if your partner is up. Is alcohol or caffeine fragmentin­g your sleep? Is stress causing you to spiral mentally any time you wake up?

Try the ‘sleep divorce’:

Some partners are simply happier and more rested if they agree to sleep in separate beds, the experts said, especially if one person cannot tame their restlessne­ss or snoring. Harris encourages such couples to reserve a few minutes for intimacy before they go to bed — maybe reading next to each other or cuddling.

Both partners should have their own comfortabl­e bed or bedroom to sleep in, she said, although that is not always possible.

Be deliberate about when you discuss sleep issues and potential solutions, too: “Not at 2 a.m.!” Troxel said — and emphasize how valuable good sleep is for each party’s health and your overall connection.

“It really is a pro-relationsh­ip behavior to openly discuss challenges that arise in that roughly one-third of our lives that we spend asleep and with our partner,” she said.


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