Baltimore Sun

Palestinia­ns deserve to be heard

- — Max Obuszewski, Baltimore

After reading “Hospital use reveals the moral high ground in the Israel-Hamas war” (April 16), I had to respond. It seems that Evan Nierman believes that Hamas is responsibl­e for the genocide in the Gaza Strip. I assume he has never been to the Gaza Strip. So where is he getting his data from to claim that Israel is on the “moral high ground?”

Of course, he uses the Israel Defense Force as his source and its claim that “they have killed more than 12,000 terrorists.” I know of no media source that can verify that claim. His comparison with hospitals destroyed by the IDF and hospitals in Israel is laughable.

What is particular­ly galling to me is that he makes no mention of the 34,000 dead Palestinia­ns, nor the number of women and children killed, nor the number of journalist­s, nor the number of aid workers. He fails to point out the illegal occupation of the Palestinia­n people, the blockade of humanitari­an aid, the starvation, the lack of medical care and the many other ills Palestinia­ns are suffering. Collective punishment is a war crime. Maybe he is unaware of the ruling of the Internatio­nal Commission of Jurists?

As a human rights activist who was in the occupied territorie­s in 1987, I visited al-Shifa Hospital and witnessed a dedicated medical staff working under difficult circumstan­ces. Today, what has been done to all hospitals in the Gaza Strip is monstrous.

Nierman closes with his perspectiv­e on “peace.” Of course, he blames the Palestinia­ns and predicts that peace and a potential two-state solution: “will rely upon a radical cultural change taking place within Palestinia­n society.” Maybe he is unaware that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has proclaimed there will never be a Palestinia­n state. I hope in the future that my local newspaper will not publish such a horribly biased op-ed. Please let us read words from the oppressed Palestinia­ns.

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