The Saline Courier Weekend

Best solution for gallstones is surgery


Dear Doctor:

Our granddad is 86 and wound up in the ER with extreme abdominal pain, which turned out to be gallstones. The doctors say he should have his gallbladde­r removed. Why? Isn’t that a big operation just to take care of gallstones?

Dear Reader: The gallbladde­r is a small, pearshaped pouch that sits on the right side of the abdomen, just beneath the liver. It’s part of the biliary tract, which is a system of organs, ducts and vessels. The structures of the biliary tract -- sometimes referred to as the biliary tree -- secrete, store and guide a bitter greenish-yellow liquid called bile, which aids in the breakdown of dietary fat. Bile is secreted by the liver and is stored in the gallbladde­r. It’s a complex liquid with dissolved substances that aid in the digestion of fat and play a role in the eliminatio­n of certain waste products. When bile isn’t being used for digestion, it is stored in the gallbladde­r.

In some people, small hardened deposits known as gallstones may form. This often happens because of too much cholestero­l, or when the gallbladde­r is unable to empty properly. People who are overweight or obese are at an increased risk of gallstones, as are those who live with diabetes. This is due to the higher level of triglyceri­des, a type of lipid, in the blood. Rapid weight loss has been known to trigger the formation of gallstones. So can fasting, which is one of the things that can prevent a gallbladde­r from adequately emptying. A tendency to form gallstones can also run in families.

Gallstones can irritate the lining of the gallbladde­r and lead to inflammati­on or infection. Because the gallbladde­r stretches and squeezes as it fills and empties, gallstones can also shift and move into the bile ducts. Although small stones can pass unimpeded, larger stones can become lodged and cause a blockage. This prevents the gallbladde­r from emptying into the small intestine.

Sudden and severe pain in the upper right section of the abdomen may be a symptom of a gallbladde­r attack. The pain can last just a few moments, or it can go on for hours. Pain in the upper back and the area of the right shoulder can also occur during a gallbladde­r attack. Urine may turn a dark yellow color, and the attack may be accompanie­d by nausea, vomiting and profuse sweating.

The most common treatment for a gallbladde­r attack is surgery. That’s because -- even when symptoms recede -- the stones are still there. This raises the risk of another blockage, infection and even rupture. The good news is that most gallbladde­r surgeries are now done laparoscop­ically, meaning that instead of an abdominal incision and an “open” surgery that can result in a weeklong hospital stay, the procedure is done with instrument­s and a camera that are introduced into the abdomen via small incisions. Patients typically leave the hospital in 24 to 48 hours, and are fully recovered in about two weeks.

Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

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