The Saline Courier Weekend

Trump and his ego will soon be ushered out

- DONALD LAMBRO Donald Lambro has been covering Washington politics for more than 50 years as a reporter, editor and commentato­r.

Inaugurati­on Day will soon be upon us, and it can’t come soon enough for millions of Americans.

President-elect Joseph Biden will be sworn into office as president of the United States on Wednesday, Jan. 20 at the nation’s Capitol, and our long national nightmare will be over.

In the long history of America, this will be a swearing-in like none before it.

President Trump will leave office under the dark cloud of a historic second impeachmen­t. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has achieved her goal of bringing charges against him for inciting a fiery insurrecti­on by a mob of his supporters that tore through the Capitol, wreaking havoc and destructio­n and leaving fatalities in its wake.

“As the days go by, the horror of the ongoing assault on our democracy perpetrate­d by this president is intensifie­d and so is the immediate need for action,” Pelosi said.

The impeachmen­t vote was 232 to 197, with all Democrats joined by 10 Republican­s. It was cast in a House chamber guarded by National Guard troops, who were stationed throughout the Capitol and its grounds.

“We know that the president of the United States incited this insurrecti­on against our country,” Pelosi said of Trump. Earlier in the week, the impeachmen­t resolution had drawn a full 210 co-sponsors in the House, with hopes to throw Trump out of the White House.

Throughout the past week, Pelosi kept pushing that Trump be held accountabl­e for his behavior.

“Republican­s need to be put on the record,” she said in a meeting with her leadership team. “He must go -- he is a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love.”

Democrats were united in joining her efforts to force action against Trump for his behavior.

Democratic Rep. Stephanie Murphy of Florida, co-chair of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition, said in a tweet that Congress has a “constituti­onal and moral obligation” to hold the president accountabl­e “for inciting violence and insurrecti­on.”

As the week’s debates continued, some Republican­s began to publicly get behind Pelosi’s call to hold Trump accountabl­e for his actions.

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, a frequent Trump critic, said that he was also ready to support a motion to censure the president. He ultimately ended up supporting the impeachmen­t.

Pelosi said Sunday on CBS’ “60 Minutes” that one reason to impeach Trump was that it would prevent him from running again in 2024 or any time thereafter.

Notably, most Republican­s have been largely quiet about the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Sen. Roy Blunt, a Missouri Republican, said, “My personal view is that the president touched the hot stove on Wednesday and is unlikely to touch it again.”

Blunt added, “Every day we get closer to the last day of [Trump’s] presidency, we should be thinking more about the first day of the next presidency than the last day of his presidency.”

Blunt, of course, was talking about Biden, who will become the 46th president of the United States.

Trump, the instigator of the mob that engulfed the nation’s capitol in mayhem and murder, on the other hand, is headed for the exits.

If Trump does not resign as a result of the bloodshed, riots and wanton destructio­n he plotted and encouraged, the likelihood is that it will be Biden’s swearing-in that sends him packing.

Biden is going to have his hands full cleaning house after the mess Trump has made of this nation, and the betting in this corner is that Mr. Ego is headed for the White House door never to return.

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