The Saline Courier Weekend

There is no honor among thieves

- JIM HARRIS Conservati­ve Corner

Israel’s King Solomon once wrote in the Book of Proverbs: “There is no honor among thieves.”

The wisest man who ever lived could have been talking about things going on in Washington, D.C. these days.

Joe Biden, or at least the ultraliber­als who pull his strings in the White House, have been concerned about the vote of West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin III.

The U.S. Senate has a tie between Republican votes and Democrat votes at 50-50. This allows Vice President Kamala Harris to vote to break that tie and let Democrats win all votes that need a minimum of 51 votes to pass.

However, Manchin, a self-described “moderate to conservati­ve Democrat,” isn’t easy to talk into voting for the Biden-harris path to socialism agenda.

Manchin and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema are the two Democrats unlikely to vote to do away with the filibuster.

Democrats need to destroy the filibuster in order to pass the far-left agenda without allowing Republican input. The use of the filibuster slows down Senate action so bad legislatio­n gets more considerat­ion

When the filibuster is used, it takes 60 votes in the Senate to stop it. Republican­s are expected to use it often to prevent some really bad legislatio­n Biden and his crew wants to pass.

Progressiv­es — the name socialist go under in this country — argue the filibuster should not stand in the way of Biden’s agenda on gun control, climate change, legalizing the cheating in the 2020 election and raising taxes on the middle class.if one or two Democrats can’t be whipped into line, the filibuster

Since Democrat insiders think Manchin needs to be forced to vote to get rid of the filibuster, how can he be influenced?

The answer for Biden and company is simple — buy Manchin’s vote with American taxpay

The White House recently announced it would nominate Gayle Connelly Manchin — the senator’s wife — to a federal job that pays $163,000 per year.

With a wink-wink to a national media that seems to think Biden can do no wrong, Mrs. Manchin, a former president of the West Virginia state board of education, was nominated to serve as federal co-chair of the Appalachia­n Regional Commission.

The organizati­on is responsibl­e for spurring economic developmen­t and investment in the 13 states that make up the region of Appalachia — which spans from northern Mississipp­i to Pennsylvan­ia.

Some government watchdog groups are raising an alarm about the appointmen­t’s timing.

“Politician­s use various inducement­s to get other politician­s to change their minds on issues,” Peter Schweizer, a best-selling author and the president of the Government Accountabi­lity Institute said. “Unfortunat­ely, it often works all too well.”

Did the $163,000 job for Manchin’s wife buy his vote?

In January, Manchin said he does “not support doing away with the filibuster under any condition” because it was “not who I am.”

Suddenly — after his wife is nominated for this job — Manchin has softened from that rigid stance on the filibuster.

Now, the so-called “moderate to conservati­ve” West Virginia Democrat floated the idea of changing the filibuster to make Republican­s have to continuous­ly speak on the Senate floor during a filibuster.

This is a major limit on the filibuster.

Right now, senators only have to signal their intent to hold up a bill to prevent it from moving forward without 60-votes.

“The filibuster should be painful, it really should be painful and we’ve made it more comfortabl­e over the years,” Manchin said. “Maybe it has to be more painful.”

Perhaps Manchin should start wearing sponsor patches like NASCAR drivers have on their cars and suits. Bought and paid for by Biden” seems an ideal patch for him.

Arizona’s Sinema is being looked at for ways to force her to comply with the far-left agenda.

No doubt the Biden White House is looking for ways to use taxpayer dollars to buy her vote as well.

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