The Saline Courier Weekend



Dear Santa,

I have done good this year. I help my mom with a lot of stuff, like dishes, cats, londre, and I also help her when she is sad. I have tryed to practice maners, and I also have been helping Oma with the house. I have done the litter box and picked up my stuff when it is Friday because Opa comes home on Friday. And I help my Oma pick p hevy stuff and I like to help my Oma to get fire wood in the cold I also tack out the trash for my Oma I like to help my mom and Oma I like to visit my dad on the weekend.

Only reason I want a presant because I helped my Oma and mom. I would like legos set, dragon statue, or a mine figure, a dragon egg that can open and a dragon comes out, I also would like is a dragon.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I think I have proved that I need to be on the nice list.

First, I have done all my chores. That I need to do. Then, I have gone to church every Sunday. Next, I have helped my nana every week. Last, I won my football championsh­ip 22 to 12.

Since I have been good here are a few that I want. First, I want a puppy because I am lonly. Next, I want some brush bolt batting gloves because mine that I have are too small. Last, I want a tv because mine is a 20 inch.

I hope you like my story Santa bye.

Love, Ayden

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year I have a few reasons why I should be on the nice list. First, I have good grades in school, because I pay attention and try my best. Second, I am nice to my family Here is two reasons why I am Nice to my family, one, I talk to them and show them gratitude. We also like to joke around and have fun. Third, I have manners, because I hold the door open for people, I also cover my mouth when I cough, I also chew with my mouth closed, that is why I should be on the nice list.

Since I have been good this year here are some things I would like for Christmas and why. First, Ledlights because my room is dark.

Second, room decor, because my room has little to no decoration. Third, foam bed topper, because my matress is springy and hard. That is what I want for Christmas this year.

Sincerely, Brent Breeremrid­e.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year.

I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few, first I do my chores every dingle day. I help walk the dogs. I try to help. Taking care of the animals, I do my chores because my ant and uncle told me to. I tri to help. Take care of the animals because I like helping and because my ant is pregnant, this is how I have been good this year.

Since I have been very good this year, hear are some things that I would like for Christmas. First, I want books by .C. Ross because he is my favorite author. I also want art supplies. The reason I want art supplies is I love art. I also want wolf stuff. The reason I want wolf stuff is because I like wolfs a lot. This is all I want for Christmas and why.

From: River

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few. First, I have been nice to my bro this year. Next when I get home

I do my chores before I watch tv. Then I take the out the dog when I get home. Also I clean the pool every year.

Since I have been very good this year, here are some things that I would like for Christmas along with the reason why I would like them. First, I want a Lenovo chrome book for Christmas. Next I want a boat to drive in the water. Then a want a dis fnaf figures because I like five nights at Freddys. Last I want a Star Wars lego set head.

From Gavin

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list here are a few. First, almost every day I go outside and work on my shooting. Second, I think I have been pretty good in Nath this year. Last, I have been good at football (I think) only because I made it to the offense. And that is all folks.

Since I have been very good this year, here are some things that I would leek for Christmas along with the reasons why I would like them. First, I want a glowing basketball net so I can play basketball outside at night. Also I want as nike jacket so I won’t get cold in class or outside. Then I want a occulus because I can play with my friends and I won’t get bored. That is all I want for Christmas.

From: Brodie

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. Have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few. First, I do all of my chores and get them done before my mom gets home if I didn’t I would be in big trouble. Second, I do what I and told if they are good things I should do. These are some reasons I have been good this year.

Since I have been very good this year here are some things that I would like for Christmas along with reasons why I would like them. First, I would really love to have a guinea pig because they look like little angels and they are so fluffy. Second, I would like books because I like to read and books are one of my favorite things in the world. Third, I would like an autograph from Taylor Swift because she is very famous and she is one of my favorite singers. These are the things I would like for Christmas and the reasons I would like to get them.

Kendra R.

Dear Santa,

How have you been? I hope that you have had a great year. I have been very good this year and I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list. First, I have honored and obeyed my parents. I help my parents by cooking, doing chores around my house, and taking care of my baby brother. I have been nice to my siblings by helping them when they are stressed or by taking care of them when they are sick. Second, I have been nice to people and have spread the word of God to my friends and family. I also pray every morning and night. Lastly, I have good grades and have been working really hard in school. That is why I think I deserve to be on the nice list.

Since I have been really good this year, here are somethings that I would like for Christmas. First, I would like to get new clothes because I would like to try some new style of clothing. Next, I would like to get a phone so that I can keep in touch with my friends and family. Lastly, I would like to get an Apple Watch for Christmas because an Apple Watch can see how many steps you take and can tell you heart rate. An Apple Watch would help me take care of my health because I have started to focus on my health more. SO I feel like an apple watch will help me with that. Those are somethings I would like to get for Christmas.

Love, Irene a.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list. Here are a few. First I swept the house. Also I cleaned the bathroom and I brushed my teeth. And cleaned my room. And be nice as I can to my siblings. Sometimes we don’t get along. But we have got along lately. But after all I have been good as I can Since have been very good this year, hear are some things I would want for Christmas. First I want a h l 3 a D K 29. Then a nike jacket. And to be older so I can drive and have a job and then I don’t have to do chores to get money and move. So then I can get my own presents and GTA 5. And run from cops.

From Elijah.

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list. Here are a few things. I have been brushing my teeth, reading, and nice. I hope you understand. Please put me on the nice list. There will be milk and cookies for you.

Since I have been very good this year, here are some things that I would like for Christmas also along with the reasons why. First, for Christmas I would like more books because I don’t have enough; Squish Mallows because you can never have enough, and an apple phone I REALLY want one. Also lacy new bedding. I need them please.


Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few. I help my dad with the chicken coop. Second I do chores around he house. Third I hold the door for strangers and my family. Forth I help my dad at the fire station.

I help my two elves named Billy and Timmy.

Since I have been very good this year, here are some things I would like for Christmas along with the reason why I want them. First a oculos/vr. So I can make my own world. Second I would like gummy burger, gummy French fries, gummy pickle, gummy sushi, gummy bacon, gummy eggs, and gummy waffles, because I like gummys. Third I want a astronaut light projector, its cool with LED lights, Fourth a PS5 because I can buy GTA 6 in 2025. Last an empty box so that I can hide.

Love, Mason

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few. First, I have listened to teachers so I can pass 5th grade up to 6th grade. Second, I have been doing what I’m told so I don’t get bad grades in school. Next, I have been doing my chores so I don’t get grounded…. Lastly, I have watched the puppies at my house. That is why I deserves to be on the nice list.

Since I have been very gapped this year, here are some things that I would like fro Christmas along with the reason why I would like them. First, I want a piano, to play it to my dog to enjoy, and play it for her to to fall asleep. Next, matching clothes to match my mom so she doesn’t get sad because I’m growing up fast. Lastly, I want a friendship necklace for me and my step sister, that is some things I want for Christmas.

Love, Lillee Hiebert

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few. First, I have been nice because I have done all my chores. Ive done all my chores and ave helped around the house. Another reason why I’ve been good this year is because I haven’t gotten in trouble all month at school. The last reason how I’ve been nice this year is ive cooked food for my family in the past week. Just the other day I taught my mom how to make an omelet because she didn’t know how to make one.

Since I have been good this year have are some things I would like for Christmas and the reasons why I would like them.

First, I would really love a new sketch book, because I like to draw, the second reason why is because I go through my sketchbook­s to fast. The second thing I want for Christmas is a robux gift card. Reason number one on why iw ant a roux gift card is so I can do more fun and amazing things on my rob lox game.

The last thing I want for Christmas is art supplies for Christmas because I am an artist and I run out of stuff quickly.

From: Lucy

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year, I have done many good things to prove I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few, The first reason to prove I should be on the nice list is I listen is I listen to teachers, staff members, subs, parents, and enrichment teachers. The second reason to prove I should be on the nice list is I have been nice to me another, teachers, staff members, subs, parents, brother, and enrichment teachers. The last reason to prove I should ve on

the nice lists I love Christmas, here are some reasons love Christmas movies, love celebratin­g Jesus’ birthday, and love getting presents. Those are some reasons I should be on the nice list.

Since I have been very good this year here are some things I wold like for Christmas along with the reason why. The first thing I want for Christmas is house shoes I need more because I want some that go over my heel. The second things I want for Christmas is to get my nails done because I love getting my nails done with my mom. The last things want for Christmas is water twister it is like twister but water shoots out of it. Those are a few things I want.

Love, Ella B.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few. First, I do laundry ever since the last week of summer. Second, thing is I clean. My mom and dads room twice this year. Third is that I help my dad a lot at the farm. These are some ways I have been good this year.

Since I have been good this year, hear some things I wold like for Christmas along with some reasons. First, I would like a tractor because that will help us a lot by moving hay at the farm and boat at the boat shop. Second thing is that I would like grinch Kobe Bryant shoes because Kobe Bryant was a legend. Third is a signed jersey by Kobe Bryant because those are expensive. Those are some things I would like for Christmas.

From! Landon Higgins

Dear Santa,

I have been good. This year here is are some examples. I helped my sister hook up her tv. I slept in my room. Since I have been good I would like an air soft gun because I love hunting. I would love a pogo stick because I love them. I would really like my xbox to be fixed. I would like a toy helicopter because its so fun. I would like a remote control car.

From. Levi

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, here are a few. First, I have around the house doing landry dishes, and cleaning my room. The second reason, is I have been doing good in school getting good grades, and I have been nice to the teachers and students. And lastly, I have been kind to my family members by helping and being nice. And that is why I deserve to be on the the nice list, Since I have been very good this year, here are somme things that I would like for Christmas along with some reasons why I would like them. First, I wold like a instant camera that way I could take pictures of memories. The second thing is a blanket, I need a blanket because I get cold easy in the winter. The last thing on my list is fake plants I would like plants because my room has a lot of plants in it so I need more. And that is what’s on my list.

Sincerely, Oliva C.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to be on the nice list, there are a few. First I am very good at doing chores! I always do them for my mom and she appreciate­d it very much. Next, I make sure my room is clean. I love having my room clean and organized. Last reason I am nice is because I help my mon with dinner. I enjoy cooking so it is fun for me!

This is why I am nice.

Since I have been good this year, here are some things that I would like. First, Iw want a new Stanley. I want one because it is pink and pink is my favorite color. Next I want a north face backpack. I want one because it is very pretty! It will also last a long time. Last I want a makeup bag. Mine is too small. That is what I want for Christmas!

Love Adelynn Z.

Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have done many good things to prove that I deserve to been the nice list, here re a few. First, I have been kind to my mother and father. I have been helping my mother. I have been helpful and respectful. I have brushed my teeth before school and bed that’s why I deserve to be on the nice list.

Since I have been good this year, here are some things that I would like for Christmas along with the reasons why I would like them First, I would like some paint to keep me busy. I would like this year is some cat toys so I can play with my cat. I would also like some new clay beads so I can make bracelets.

From: Oaklee Ann Ely

Dear Santa,

How are you today Santa? I hope you are nice and warm at the North Pole. Thank you for the claw machine, toy witch \, and the LOL head phones I got last year. But how I behaved was probably medium nice. What I want for Christmas this year is, a phone, and a Apple Watch, The cookies I will give you Santa is maybe chocolate chip cookies with a mug of milk and a special suprise! Oh also share with mrs.clause and the elfs. Please share with others at the North Pole. Please do share.

Love from you favorite loving student, Grace

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my lol surprise in my stocking,

I will make you chocolate chip cookies this year.

Santa to be honest I get frustrated with my parents so some times I accidental­ly rase my voice at them but I will try my best not to.

This Christmas I would like feraro shey chocolate, 8th-10th books of babysitter­s club, and a new paint sey.

Have a safe trip share some cookies with Mrs. Claus.

From your favorite 4th grader, Whitney*

Dear Santa,

Hank you for my gifts you gave me last year.

And I will remember to leave you chocolate chip cookies and share with the elf.

I have been good this year for Christmas I would love an Apple Watch and Lululemon leggings and Lululemon jacket

Love, Emily.

Dear Santa,

How are you? You being busy on Christmas night? I really appreciate, for the NERF guns, the claw machine, and the hover board.

Can I have NERF guns from Walmart and target, Pokemon cards and squish mellows, and a toy myth and squish mellow stickers?

Im gonna be honest I have been the worst but I have changed ive started making new friends.

Just to let you know, Scout my elf is crazy but in a good way. I will leave your favorite cookies and so

Love your student, Atticus.

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the bags last year.

Im going to leave you chocolate cookies. My behavior is pretty good buy, I could improve it.

The things that I wish for are some FNAF plushies, a computer so I can play Dashift at Freddies and a camera please, that is all.

Love, Cheyenne.

Dear Santa, thank you Santa for giving toys and Santa I am so sorry that you have to make so many trips.

I will make you Grinch cookies when you come by. Santa I will chang by being nice.

I ask for a motorcycle I ask for a ball house I ask for a tree house Have an awesome day Santa tell Mis. Claus I said “hi!”

Love Harrleigh

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the candy, and letting Chippy my elf stay until the day after Christmas Day, oh and also my new nerf gun.

I will give you some chocolate chip cookies if I stay at my dads house or peanut butter reindeer cookies if I go to my grandmas house.

I have been a little mean but I have apolegized I will try to be nicer.

Can I please please please have a blanket with a picture of my family on it, and a suna bedspread and lastly a life sized carving of suna.

Love Christmas so much!

(Please let chippy know im sorry and I want him to come home)


Dear Santa,

Thank you for the xbox and plastation 4 and thank you ps3, last year, I have tried to be nice and loving so I keep trying. I will leave ginger bread cookies. This year for Christmas I would like a phone, compute and an ipad. Please be safe and have a nice flight. Please share with Mrs.claus.

Love your favorite student, Corbin

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the gifts last year. I forgot what you gave me last year.

I am going to give you chocolate chip cookies or m and m cookies.

I think my behavior was bad and good. I will try to be better, and not hit my brother.

3 items I want is a squishmall­ow Corgi, all the dog man books that I do not have, and a simple phone.

Love, Remy

Dear Santa, Thank you for my RC car and Pokemon cards.

I will make sure to leave you some home made cookies.

Ive been getting mad at my brother a lot for messing with my collectabl­es.

Ive been wanting a new bicycle, Naruto action figures, and a new world map.

I will leave extra cookies for Mrs.claus.

From you best friend, James

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the bike from last year that is the thing I wanted most.

This year I would like a new pair of shoes. I also want some clothes.

The thing I want the most is a go-cart I know that sounds like a big one but that’s my wish.

I will leave yo sugar cookies. I really hope I get the gifts that I said.

Thank you Santa for the presents in the past, bye.

Love, Chevy.

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my dirt bike and, my book of my pokemo cards. I will leave you a chocolate chip cookies, I will do better at school and don’t get in trouble again like I did.

I will change by listening to my teacher, and make good thing. I want this year a perf gun and a new drone that I can seee of and a diary of a wimpy kid the double down. I appreciate what you give me.

Dear Santa,

I want to thank you for the bed sheets and make up last year!

I will leave milk and chocolate cookies.

Santa im really really sorry that ive been mean to my brother and my other brother.

Santa I want pretty clothes, new tablet, bracelets, please and thank you. That would be all!

Love Audreee

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my bike, candy, and Pokemon cards.

I will leave you the home made chocolate chip cookie and peanut butter cookies covered in white chocolate.

I have been pretty talkative and making some bad choices but overall I have been pretty good.

I do want a VR head set and for my grandma’s floor to be finished so we can have Christmas in her house and a Pc possibly but I will appreciate anything you bring though.

Love from #1 fan, Sanden

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my electric scooter last year because that is like the only thing I ever ride.

And Santa I promise to give you 1 Christmas cookie for your adventure.

And Santa im going to be honest with you, I was bad in 3rd grade but in 4th grade I changed a little but I promise I will change even more by being more respectful and kind.

Love from your favorite kid, Axel Bowles

Dear Santa,

Thank you for giving me that lego corsair airplane, even though I almost destroyed it in lego battle.

My mom will probably make those sugar cookies she made last year, because you destroyed those.

I have been acting kind of rude to my brother, the only reason is because he yells at me when I go to his room because I want to play on his PS4. Maybe I should just ask him before I go into his room.

Can I have a boom box because my cousin has one and it looks so cool. You get me a PS4 since my brother never lets me play on his. Could you also get me a Nintendo switch because my friends Zane, and Harper have one, and we cold play 3 player games.

Love from your friend, Emmet Sammons

Dear Santa,

I want to thank you for the presents and the candy that you Brough me.

I will be sure to make the peanut butter cookies that me and my nana make enjoy the cookies.

I am going tot ell you that I haven’t been the best I am sorry that I have pop’t an attitude to mom.

If possible I wold like a slime kit and some more nail polish and one more thing to bring my mom a new phone.

That would be all for me.

Love, Brooklyn

Dear Santa, I would like to thank you for my real tree fishing kit.

I want to tell you about my behavior, I have gone somewhere without an adult knowing, I won’t do that again because its dangerous.

I would like to ask for some stuff I would like a VR headset and some attachment­s for my nerf guns and some more tree fishing stuff.

I will get you Santa face cookies.

From your favorite kid, Jace

Dear Santa,

Thank you so much for the candy last it was so so good thank you.

This year I will give you sugar cookies this year.

Santa I am going to be honest with you, sometimes I can get a little whiney and cry over something small and my mom will say,

“Stop crying over something small,”

And then I will say,

“No buts,”

So I will try to be better at that.

Santa may I please have a brier horse, a big big blanket, and a pet cat. Have a safe and fun trip! Love from your favorite big sis, Sloane.

Dear Santa,

I really appreciate the bluetooth speaker in my stocking, and the tickets to epic water park and boulder adventure park.

Since I live at two houses we will get you a few peanutt butter cookies, so you can have some chocolate chunk cookies at the other house.

I know ive been pretty bossy this year, but this years top 3 things I want are the Hogwarts lego collection-a snap circuitand the Half-blood Prince & The Deathly Hollows book 6-7 of Harry Potter.

From your naughtiest friend, Mattie Besancoon

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my headset last year

I loved it.

I will make Christmas cookies and be sure let mrs.clause have some too.

My behaviors been bad sometimes bad sometimes from my little brother but I will change my behavior this year and I will be nice with my little brother.

I would like for you to get me a lot of V Bucks, and cars, and army men.

Thank you Santa I hope you have a great Christmas.

Love Deklan Palnom

Dear Santa, Thank you for my gifts from last year like my four wheeler and my pony.

I will be honest I have been a little bit naughty this year but I will do a lot better.

If possible may I get a schliech horse barn, schliech wash set, and a schliech vet set.

I will give you “reindeer” cookies please make sure to share.

Your friend, Carley

Dear Santa,

Thank you for my hover board last year.

What cookies will you have you win have chocolate chip and m and m.

I will change by letting my brother come in my room.

This year I want a new art kit, skin care, and a new phone case.

I hope you have a great Christmas.

Love, Kinley

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the overboard and all the candy in my stocking

I will be honest with you I have been getting a little mad when my sister acts dumb but I will try to be good this year.

I would like a squish mellows/pokemon squishes. And a watch please.

I will leave you Santa cookies.

Have a nice trip!

Stay safe!

Love, Marvin Lee Hippo

Dear Santa,

Thank you for the squish mellow.

I will be honest I love to talk and that means some not nice things come out.

I will get better about

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