Big Spring Herald Weekend

Homeless shelter


Dear Editor,

Kudos to Brother Herb Mcpherson for his recent letter concerning the homeless situation in Big Spring. I too have been concerned about the closing of the Salvation Army shelter. I have inquired and never received a definitive answer, and was just told to call the Dallas office. I followed through with that and it resulted in nothing; no return calls, no response.

This winter, January 2019, on an extremely cold, blustery evening, I came upon a homeless man sitting on the downtown curb. I stopped and asked if he had been to the Salvation Army. His reply was, he was told they could take him to the Midland shelter, but there was no one to take him. The best I could do was provide blankets and food, but later my brother was so kind as to let me use a area of one of his buildings for the night.

For years, I have served on civic projects to raise money for various community needs, and I know the people of Big Spring to be caring and generous. At times, we all are busy and involved in our own lives, and become oblivious to the needs of others. As a community, I believe it is our civic duty to help the less fortunate, and as a private citizen, is is the humane thing to do. I hope that our new city administra­tion will investigat­e this issue and with community support will work to provide solutions.

I have lived here my entire life, love this town, and I say to Big Spring, “we are better than this.” We need a shelter, not fancy, just adaquate. When you have no place to go, anyplace is better than sleeping in a blanket on the ground.

Let’s become aware of this sad issue, and attempt to work on solutions, and as we go about our work, help us remember, “but by the grade of God, go I.”

Jeanie Knocke Big Spring

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