Big Spring Herald Weekend

Highly active flu season brings focus on prevention

Hand washing, sanitizer, flu vaccine encouraged

- By AMANDA DUFORAT Managing Editor

Sneezing, coughing, body aches, high temperatur­e, and more may sound like the introducti­on to a television commercial, but it’s not. The list are just a few of the signs and symptoms that have been associated with the flu this year. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) flu season typically kicks off in October, peaks around February and can extend until late May.

“Statistics show this season alone, influenza activity has been elevated for the last eight weeks (end of November),” Dr. Daisy Benigno, Internal Medicine provider with Steward Medical Group, said. “The flu can be a serious illness and needs to be treated as such. A flu shot is your best protection.”

The CDC estimates so far this season there have been at least 9.7 million flu illnesses, 87,000 hospitaliz­ations and 4,800 deaths from flu, as of last week.

According to Dr. Beingno, the flu season in the Southern hemisphere is the indication of what is to come in the Northern hemisphere, which is the United States.

“The Southern hemisphere winter flu season was a very difficult one the past year,” she said. “Even though flu season is unpredicta­ble, already early in 2019 the U.S. CDC began to see influenzas as early as August, thus supporting their prediction­s.”

While September is considered early in flu season, Calfornia say a four-year-old pediatric patient die from the flu, which served as a hard reminder of how serious – sometimes fatal - the flu can be. Locally, there have been a lot of sick patietns pass through the provider’s offices. Of those patients, there are some who have tested positive for Influenza A and B.

“A person should see their provider on the first signs of the flu,” Dr. Benigno said. “The flu shot is very beneficial; we are not through with influenza season and it can still be very beneficial and should be received.”

Flu symptoms include fever, cough, chills, sweats, muscle and or body aches, vomiting or severe stomach cramps, diarrhea or just feeling bad. Dr. Benigno mentioned that while there are common signs and symptoms of the flu, every person is different and some patients can test positive without severe symptoms.

“When you visit your provider, he or she will decide if you will benefit from Tamiflu,” she said. “You may also be dealing with other issues and your provider can check everything to help you recover as quickly as possible.”

During flu season especially, prevention is important. Continuous hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer is important. Other preventive measures include avoiding crowded areas and other areas where you can be easily exposed, disinfect common surfaces and your phone, and try to keep your hands away from your face, and don’t shake hands during flu season.

“Wash, wash, wash your hands,” Dr. Benigno said. “If you are coughing, use the elbow cough technique; this protects your hands from spreading germs. During sick season, it’s advised to not shake hands as another measure of protection. Carrying sanitizer with you is beneficial as well.”

While proactive measures are helpful in limiting the spread of flu, the first line of defense is the flu shot. Those aged six months and above are advised to get the flu vaccine.

“Infants, autoimmune suppressed and elderly need extra protection to stay well or fight off the virus if they do get sick,” she said. “Most children are affected

by the flu for less than a week, where adults can linger longer. However, it’s important to be careful because children can dehydrate very easily and quickly from fever or vomiting.”

She continued, “Healthy adults can get over the flu a lot quicker and easier than the elderly or seriously ill patients. This is one of the reasons why it is sometimes very wise to see your provider when you think you may have the flu; you never know when it can quickly turn into something that could be more serious.”

The flu vaccine in injection form is a non-activated influenza vaccine. The spray is a live attenuated influenza vaccine; they are weakened and won’t actually give the patient the flu. The mist, according to Dr. Benigno, is not intended for everyone. Children

under the age of two and adults over 50 are not recommende­d to receive the mist vaccine. Those who care for someone who has a compromise­d immune system and of course those with a compromise­d immune system.

“Those with asthma, diabetes and chronic heart disease are some of the few conditions we look for when considerin­g which vaccine to take,” she said. “Let me state that again, these patients should most definitely receive a flu vaccine injection that is the nonactivat­ed version, but as always if you have questions please talk with your provider.”

Amanda Duforat is the Managing Editor at the Big Spring Herald. To contact her, email editor@ bigspringh­ or call 432263-7331.

 ??  ?? Dr. Daisy Benigno I.M. Provider
Dr. Daisy Benigno I.M. Provider

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