Big Spring Herald Weekend


- By Joel Miller

Have you ever sat and watched a Turkey Vulture soaring high in the sky and wondered what they were thinking about?

Well I thought about this and so I decided to write a story about one such vulture. While reading this story, use appropriat­e voice for each animal.

This is the story about Buddy and his demented son, Junior, on a hunting and learning trip. They were soaring high in the sky looking for breakfast when Buddy decided it was time for Junior to hunt by himself.

(Using a gruff voice) "I am going to rest on that windmill work platform and let you find us something to eat. Remember, we only eat dead stuff. Look very carefully and come tell me what you found. O.K?"

Pretty soon Junior came flying back, very excited and very fast. He hit Buddy, knocking him off the platform and into the turning windmill. Tail feathers were falling all around him as Buddy fell into the stock tank below.

"Help! Help! I can't swim. Save me," Buddy cried, as he went under the water. Just then something grabbed him by the neck and jerked him up from the deep water. "You are chocking me. Let go of my neck. What in the world are you? You are just about the ugliest thing I ever saw." (Using a seagoing voice) "O.K. Mate. You asked for it. Here you go." "No! No! I didn't mean it. Please save me."

"Well O.K. I am Salty, the sea going pelican and I lost my way. Just stopped by to ask for directions."

"Well, just put me over on the side and leave me alone. You are still-” "What did you say? You are supposed to be a bird like I am, but you have no tail feathers. Now, just who is ugly?" "Just put me over to the the rail and I will be O.K.?” So Salty swam over to the side and put Buddy on the railing. "Now, how do I get back to the sea?" "Just fly up high and look around, stupid."

Just then a lot of water and flapping hit Buddy, knocking out of the way." (Using a stuttering, juvenile voice.) O-O-O.K., Daddy."

Looking around, Buddy saw a small bunny rabbit. Sneaking up, he started to grab the bunny when all of a sudden, he heard the very loud voice behind him. (Using a very loud, commanding voice.) "Better leave him alone. He is a friend of mine and I am the protector of all small thing around here."

"Just who do you think you are, ordering me around?"

"l am the guardian of this ranch and protector all all my friends", Butch said, with snarling teeth showing.

'O.K. O.K. I was just kidding with your friend. Just leave me alone, you slobbering idiot."

With that, Buddy hopped around to the other side of the tank, still looking for something to eat.

Seeing movement he quickly hopped over and found Sneaky, the snake.

"l usually don't eat anything alive, but you will have to do," said Buddy.

(In a low, hissing voice). "You better leave me alone. I am a snake, a Rattle snake, a poisonous Rattle Snake. If you bite me, I will bite you and you will die," hissed Sneaky.

Grumbling, Buddy hopped off in search of something not as mean as Sneaky. At the side of the tank, Buddy saw a possum huddling against the side of the tank. Thinking to himself, "Greasy, but better than nothing".

Buddy stood over Pudgy, the possum, and eyed him with hungry eyes. (In a

squeaky, hissing voice) Pudgy said "You better not try anything, I got sharp teeth and I will chew your leg off, right up to your neck. I mean it too, so leave me alone."

Startled, Buddy jumped back, listening to Pudgy's hiss.

Moving away from the tank, Buddy saw a movement behind the mesquite bush. Taking a big leap over the bush, he landed on a cactus plant, hiding a lizard. "Ouch! Ouch! I'm hurt, help me." Junior yelled, "j-j-just p-p-pull them ouout, Daddy!"

"Oh, shut up you dummy. This is all your fault."

By this time, the lizard was gone. Still looking around, he spotted something moving over by the tank. Hurrying over, he saw Stinky, the skunk.

"Oh, well. I guess if I am hungry enough, I will eat anything, alive or smelling." (In a high, squeaky voice) "You better leave me alone. I will stink you up so bad nothing will get close to you for a long time. You will be sorry you hurt me."

By this time, Buddy was so hungry and confused, he was seeing movement all around him.

Jumping over a bush, he landed on Peter, the Porcupine.

(In a nervous, low voice), "Ha! Gotcha! You have been bothering all my friend here, you finally got what was coming to you," yelled Peter.

"Oh, oh, I got quills in my nose and mouth. Help me. I'm hurting. I'm hurting bad. Somebody help me."

From on top of the windmill came this cry, "D-daddy, d-d-don't ever call m-me stupid again. At l-least I-I-I know w-w-what end the f-feathers go in." So goes the tale of Buddy and his son, the Turkey Vultures.

*This story was an inspiratio­n from the books of John R. Erickson's "Hank the Cow Dog"

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