Big Spring Herald Weekend

When Odds Overwhelm...

- Don newbury ***** Dr. Newbury, a longtime university president, writes weekly and speaks frequently throughout Texas and beyond. Contact: 817-447-3872. Email:<>. Facebook: Don Newbury.

As chapters of life unfold, unlikely coincidenc­es occur that are so rare that surely providence is behind the steering wheel. No doubt whoever won that $1.3 billion lottery will spend much of his/her remaining time on earth pondering the “what if’s” of choosing such a long string of numbers in perfect order to hold the WINNING TICKET among the megamillio­ns that weren’t. Oh, I know a few lesser winners cashed in, too, but most lottery participan­ts held worthless pieces of cardboard, not unlike those who pick poorly at horse races.

Recently, a paper cut led me to a discovery that matters little now, since most of my check-writing days are passed and not too many folks use checks now. (Technology is galloping ahead of the masses at breathtaki­ng speed.)

Then I learn that another man in an adjacent county made the same discovery, maybe on the same day. Had such occurred a few decades ago, we could have yelled it from the rooftops that we left-handers can do some things right! Millions of “lefties” could have abandoned sinking feelings of being lousy check-removers. (I confess to being among the 10% of American men who are--as jokers say--”wrong-handed.”) An even smaller percentage of women are “lefties.” Alas, we have long felt swept to the side, “left in the lurch.” Have you ever heard of anyone “right in the lurch?” I didn’t think so...


Again, I digress, and it will happen again. How ere it was, because of the slight paper cut on my left hand, I held the checkbook with it, thinking it would be simpler for my right hand to remove the check. Really, how could I lose? For more than 60 years, checks taken from checkbooks have the ragtag look of the losing pooch in a dog fight or appear to have been separated from the book by a rip saw.

The ease with which check removal with my right hand was magical. I could almost hear strumming violins, and I was cheered by thoughts that much was right with the world. It was so refreshing, in fact, I tore out another check, just to make sure.

I bragged to my wife about the new discovery. She hemmed and hawed as if it was a total fluke. Such “hemmings and hawings” are nothing new after 56 years of marriage; I changed the subject, trying to remember if there were other checks I could write ....


Later in the day, I visited my bank, sharing my experience. The bank lady--mistakenly thinking she had “heard it all”--shrieked with excitement. “You are not going to believe this,” she exclaimed. “But my husband, also left-handed, had the exact same experience the other day.”

I was gleeful.

The odds of two guys sustaining paper cuts and using their “other hand” to tear out checks has to be comparable to a couple of fishing bobbers washing up on an island by the same wave after having been tossed overboard months earlier by two youngsters on a cruise ship, perhaps “ticked off” that pole fishing isn’t permitted off the pool deck .... *****

Okay, maybe that’s a little extreme. To make such a discovery, though, sparkles--however faint the sparks may be. We “lefties” are so accustomed to “take it or leave it” status, even small victories such as this warrant parades at left-handers’ convention­s.

I tried to call some printing companies to see if there are logical reasons why “righties” find checkremov­al to be “easy-peasy.” My calls weren’t returned. Oh, well.

We “lefties” have learned to sit in desks designed for right-handed people, perhaps with compromise­d seating postures to blame for handwritin­g so contorted that some teachers have either recommende­d counseling or seen one. The list of other inconvenie­nces we have endured is endless, but space runs short. For a brief and shining moment, though, it was exhilarati­ng to tear checks as efficientl­y as “righties” do ....

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