Big Spring Herald Weekend


ON ABC Is it sad saying goodbye to Eddie?



A: Of course, it’s very sad saying goodbye to Eddie. It’s a rare thing for a show, any type of show, to last for five years. But even more so, a sort of serialized drama that doesn’t have a case of the week or a fire to put out every episode. And it’s just stories about people loving their lives. And to the best of your ability, you become this character and try to empathize as much as possible . ... And I will miss him dearly.

Q: What was your favorite part about playing this character?

A: When I was reading the pilot, I thought it was excellent and I really wanted to do it and I really wanted to be the part of Gary (laughs). And I remember my wife (Elizabeth Tulloch, “Superman & Lois”) was reading all of these scripts (and) came to me like, “This is a great script. There are so many good parts in this. I think like Gary would be awesome for you to play.” ... And I mean, I’m so lucky to have been given a part on this show.

But when I was reading the pilot, Gary (the character played by James Roday Rodriguez) was really likable, Rome (Romany Malco) was really likable and then there was this character Eddie, who was just fairly despicable from the audience’s point of view.

And I was offered that role and I just thought it would be so fun to play, especially having come off of a sixyear series called “Grimm” where I played the hero and really not very flawed guy and always seeking the best and, you know, written to be the hero. So I thought it would be really fun to play Eddie, who was clearly going to be hard to like, and I kind of reveled in that a little bit.

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