Big Spring Herald Weekend

Navalny dies in prison, Authoritie­s say − But HIS Blueprint for anti-putin activism will live on

- Regina Smyth Indiana University This article is republishe­d from The Conversati­on under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here: https://theconvers­ation. com/navalny-dies-in-prison-authoritie­s-say-buthis-blueprint-for-anti-putin-activi

(The Conversati­on is an independen­t and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.)

(THE CONVERSATI­ON) Long lines of Russians endured subzero temperatur­es in January 2024 to demand that anti-ukraine war candidate Boris Nadezhdin be allowed to run in the forthcomin­g presidenti­al election. It was protest by petition – a tactic that reflects the legacy of Alexei Navalny, the longtime Russian pro-democracy campaigner. Authoritie­s say Navalny, a persistent thorn in the side of Russian President Vladimir Putin, died in prison on Feb. 16, 2024.

For more than a decade, Navalny fought Russian authoritar­ianism at the ballot box and on the streets as the most recognizab­le face of antiputini­sm, filtering support to candidates brave enough to stand against the Kremlin’s wishes.

Often opposition does not translate into electoral success. Nadezhdin supporters did not expect that their man could actually defeat Putin in the vote scheduled for March 20, 2024. Given how tightly the Kremlin controls politics in Russia, the result of the presidenti­al election is a foregone conclusion.

But for many Russians, the opportunit­y to support Nadezhdin’s candidacy was the only legal means they had to communicat­e their opposition to Putin and the war. The fact that authoritie­s ultimately barred Nadezhdin from participat­ing suggests that the Kremlin remains cautious about any candidate who punctures official narratives of a nation united behind Putin’s war in Ukraine.

That effort to protest the election seems all the more poignant following Navalny’s death. It reflected the heart of a strategy that Navalny developed over more than a decade and that I have written about since 2011.

The movement remains

Navalny understood that opposition in Russia was about exposing the corruption in Putin’s party, United Russia; shining a light on electoral manipulati­on; and alerting the world to growing political violence.

Navalny highlighte­d the very real opposition to Putin and authoritar­ian rule that exists in Russia despite attempts to hide it from the world.

To achieve these goals, team Navalny – and it is important to remember that while Navalny the man is dead, the movement he sparked remains – repeatedly used elections to make the opposition visible and spark political debate.

Navalny emerged as a political force in 2011, when he kicked off a large national protest movement ahead of the 2012 parliament­ary election by labeling Putin’s United Russia the “Party of Crooks and Thieves.” He held contests to create memes to illustrate the slogan and mobilized voters who did not support Putin’s party.

Putin inevitably won the election, with the head of the Organizati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe observer mission commenting that due to irregulari­ties and abuses the winner “was never in doubt.”

But nonetheles­s, Navalny’s efforts meant that a new opposition was in place and ready to take to the streets to fight election fraud. Getting out of the electoral ‘ghetto’ Despite his arrest and conviction on fraud charges in 2013, Navalny ran for mayor of Moscow that year. In the campaign, he innovated electoral politics, recruiting young volunteers who met voters on the streets and in their apartment blocks.

Navalny won almost 30% of the vote – double that expected – and claimed that the only reason Putin’s hand-picked candidate, Sergei Sobyanin, had got above the 50% needed to secure a first-round victory was due to a falsified vote.

Navalny later articulate­d the real success, as he saw it, in an interview with fellow opposition figure Vladimir Kara-murza: “We have shown that ordinary people – with no administra­tive resources, no corporate sponsors, no public relations gurus – can unite and achieve results at the ballot box,” he said. “We have shown that we are no longer confined to a 3% electoral ‘ghetto.’”

Navalny concluded: “For me, the most important result of this campaign is the return of real politics to Russia.”

During that 2013 campaign, my research team interviewe­d Navalny activists and observed the work in campaign headquarte­rs.

These interviews underscore­d Navalny’s relationsh­ip with the people. Many of the volunteers rejected the idea that they were working for him. Instead, they were volunteeri­ng because they admired Navalny’s tactics. They liked his political style. They wanted change in Russia.

Navalny brought Russians alienated by Russian politics together and empowered them. As one campaign volunteer interviewe­d in our study argued, “We all were frightened before the first protest and even left a will before we joined the movement. But it was not a mob. There were people like us. The feeling we had in Navalny’s office was the feeling of being with people like me.”

Through the next decade, Navalny and his team continued to return political competitio­n to Russia’s politics. They built local organizati­ons that attracted support and found some success in Siberian cities Tomsk and Novosibirs­k, despite the endless obstacles the Kremlin placed in their way.

Return from exile

The culminatio­n of these efforts is a system Navalny developed in 2018 called Smart Voting. Through an online tool, the Navalny team encourages Russians to support any reform-minded candidates in elections and in particular directs voters to the candidate most likely to beat Putin’s United Russia party.

Research by Russian scholars Mikhail Turchenko and Grigorii Golosov shows that the tool has had a very significan­t effect on voters and increasing turnout, opposition votes and popular attention on elections.

Navalny’s efforts seemingly irked the Russian state and may have been the impetus of an assassinat­ion attempt against him by Russia’s domestic security agency, known as the FSB, in 2020.

Navalny survived Novichok poisoning only because internatio­nal pressure forced the regime to allow him to be airlifted to Germany for treatment. During his recovery, Navalny used the attack on him to further his political activism and convey the regime’s growing brutality. He famously interviewe­d his would-be assassin to uncover the details of the operation.

Navalny’s return to Russia under threat of arrest in February 2021 kicked off the largest street protests – in support of the opposition leader – since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

These protests inspired a new generation of activists. They also marked new levels of police brutality against pro-democracy demonstrat­ors in the streets and in the years since. Handing on the baton

Since 2022, I have led a research team that has interviewe­d Russians who left the country in opposition to the war in Ukraine. Many participat­ed in the anti-war protests of late February and early March 2022 and point to Navalny’s return to Russia as the origin of their own political engagement and activism.

As one respondent argued: “My civic position began to emerge. All this was close to Navalny, his movement, and his encouragem­ent to notice something, to pay attention … I began to go to rallies, and became much more interested and aware of politics.”

While Navalny languished in prison camps following his arrest on charges of violating parole during his recovery in Germany, many of these activists in exile continued to operate outside of Russia, our research partners have found.

They support Ukrainian refugees and war efforts and participat­e in tracking down children who have been taken to Russia. They are active in anti-war demonstrat­ions and support each other in exile.

This new generation of Russian activists – whether those in exile advocating for change or those risking their well-being in Russia to support anti-war candidates – is Navalny’s legacy, and I believe it is powerful.

Before his death, Navalny spoke directly to the generation of activists he inspired: “Listen, I’ve got something very obvious to tell you. You’re not allowed to give up. If they decide to kill me, it means that we are incredibly strong.”

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