Big Spring Herald Weekend

Thank You for Your Service

- Editor’s Note: Dr. Joseph Chavez wrote and submitted this article as a courtesy to the Herald.

As proud Americans we salute those who have served our country and thank them for their service. We thank those men and women of our police force that make our streets safe. For all those that sacrificed everything to serve our country thank you for everything. For those that died serving our country you will be remembered always.

You know as I was on my run at 5 am, I noticed a steady flow of people in their work trucks in their cars going to work. These same people that get up every day before the sun comes out and go to work every day. Some work 12 hour shifts and some even more than that. Howard County to me is a place where hard working people live and work. You probably wonder who salutes you. Who thanks your for your service. I believe these are the people that keeps our town alive. In my Pediatric office I could never do my job without the people that put their trust in me. I could never see the patient without the receptioni­st that answers the phone and registers the patient in the computer and even more. I could never be if that Registered Medical Assistant did not take that patient back, take the patient’s vitals, run the tests I order, give the vaccinatio­ns, or the medication­s I order. I could never do my job without that office manager who hires them and always there to try to make everything better. I could not do my job to those administra­tors that keep the lights on. I could never do my job without that Police office or Fireman that puts his or her life on the line so we can be safe. I salute all of you who go there every day get in your car and go to that job. Some of you may hate or you may love your job. I believe that if you go out there and work your hardest and believe in your own worth you will succeed. Your determinat­ion matters. You matter in this world. My father once told me that it does not matter if your job is to push or mop or save lives being a Doctor, PA or Nurse Practition­er. What matters is that feeling of pride you get when you look at that person in the mirror. You should not expect that thank you because there will be many days when you do not get it. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and thank yourself for your service because after that end of a long hard day, you have to tell yourself that you did the best that you could do.

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