Big Spring Herald

The Cross Of Christ


“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Galatians 6:14

The preaching of the cross is not merely a theologica­l propositio­n but a practical applicatio­n. It is a practical applicatio­n because Christ died for sinners - real sinners in real time.

If the cross of Christ is nothing more than theology, then His cross is not applicable to sinners in real time. But if His cross is more than just theology, then every sinner, who by faith confesses Him with their mouth, and in their heart, believes that God has raised Him from the dead, is forever safe.

If God expects us to live by the Law or by some impossible rule of impeccable moral standards and expectatio­ns, then the cross of Christ is only symbolic, and as sinners, we have no hiding place.

If clean moral living is the standard by which we are obligated to measure our Christian lives, then the world has not been crucified unto us, and we have not been crucified unto it, because the world always measures the worth of a human being in terms of moral standing.

In the cross of Christ, the world has been crucified unto us and we are crucified unto the world because He uses a different measuring stick to prove the sinner's worth. Christ does not enter into the court house of the law, but rather into the chambers of faith when He says, “I will have mercy and not sacrifice. “

Paul says, “but God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Why does he say this? Because man, at his best

 ??  ?? Tom sloan
Tom sloan

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