Big Spring Herald

Ag Extension Grain Sorghum Program goes virtual, registrati­on now open through July 21

Class date set for July 22 with program starting at 7 a.m. online

- By AMANDA DUFORAT Managing Editor Tommy Yeater

The Howard County Ag Extension Office has announced the 2020 Virtual Grain Sorghum Program is set to take place July 22. The presentati­on is set to start at 7 a.m. The program, which would normally be an in-person attendance, has gone virtual this year due to the coronaviru­s pandemic and restrictio­ns that are in place currently at the State and National level.

“The farmers, like everyone else, have had their world turned upside down,” Tommy Yeater, AgriLife Extension agent for Howard County, said. “This is an opportunit­y for our farmers to get a heads up on the market export situation.”

The Grain Sorghum Program will be conducted over Zoom and will have three segments: Projected Grain Sorghum Production Costs presented by Bill Thompson, Assistant Professor and Extension Economist; Sorghum Market Outlooks presented by Dr. Mark Welch, Associate Professor and extension Economist; and Exports and Internatio­nal Markets presented by Wayne Cleveland, Executive Director of Texas Sorghum Associatio­n.

“This is a great way for our producers in the area to stay up to speed with the current market and possibly start planning for next year,” Yeater said. “While the grain crop has already been planted for this year, and we normally don't have a lot of grain sorghum in this area, it's a good thing to be up to date on for when it's a bad year.”

The virtual program is open to all producers in the Central Area and those in Howard County who are producing grain or are thinking about producing grain could join the meeting and benefit from the informatio­n presented.

This is the second virtual program that has been presented by the Ag Extension Agency. The first program, which was also virtual, was held in April and focused on the wheat market. According to Yeater, there will be another program coming up in September that will be geared towards the cotton producers.

“These programs are great for our producers to gain some knowledge and right now it's a form of stability and we need to get back to that,” he said.

To join the Zoom meeting go to https://agrilife.zoom. us/j/9607369509­0. When the link comes up inpute the Member ID: 9607369509­0 or join by phone at 1-346-248-7799. To preregiste­r, contact the AgriLife Extension office in Howard County at 432-264-2236.

Amanda Duforat is the Managing Editor at the Big Spring Herald. To contact her, e-mail editor@bigspringh­ or call 432-263-7331.

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