Big Spring Herald

The Rest of the Story


Iteach in a Christian school here in Big Spring. We have a story for each sound and letter of the alphabet that the students in Kindergart­en hear every morning. In the story many times they leave a suspensefu­l question to peak the students interest for the next day. They are really disappoint­ed that they can’t know the answer right then.

We live in an instant society where we have been almost programed to demand an answer to any perplexing problem “right now.” Even though we probably know we will have to wait for the answer we get impatient and displeased to the point of indignatio­n that the answer isn’t forthcomin­g, immediatel­y, if not sooner.

So, why are we so impatient? We are human, and that’s just a natural reaction to counteract when things don’t go our way.

So, how do we overcome it? First, acknowledg­e the fact that the world wasn’t made for my center of the universe.

Then go to the Source of patience. That would be

God. He is the Source of everything we are. He Created us for His glory. When we acknowledg­e that we will have the rest of the story. Things will begin to make sense that we never understood before this time.

His incredible love for His Creation sent His Son to the Cross. His incredible power caused Jesus to rise again. There is no impatience in anything God does. So when we get impatient, Remember the God who has everything under His Sovereign control and ask Him for guidance through anything life hands us.

We will not know the rest of the story until we get to His Home in Heaven where He is preparing a place for His children. It will be exciting to find out the ending—or the beginning.

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