Big Spring Herald

Something to think about…


One of my favorite aspects of our worship gathering each week is the “children’s moment”. As their Pastor, I always invite the kids to come up on stage and chat before they go to Children’s Church. It is a bit like herding cats and I never know what they’re going to say, so it always keeps me on my toes. However, those moments have provided some of my favorite funny and meaningful memories in ministry.

This morning I was thinking about one of those lessons from a few years ago. At the time, I wanted to share with the children that God can make our brokenness into something beautiful and our mistakes into His masterpiec­e, if we will give ourselves fully into His hands.

Isaiah 64:8 says, “Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay; you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

I decided I would use Play-Doh to illustrate how God shapes and forms our lives.

As a simple side note, I mentioned that I was using blue PlayDoh to represent us because our bodies are made up of mostly water.

One young lady, named Faith, spoke up and said, “But God made us out of dirt!” I responded, “Well, that’s true, but scientists tell us that our bodies are about 60% water. Maybe the Lord used water and dirt to form us?”

Faith shot back, “I guess we’re 60% water and 40% dirt then.” (I was actually surprised at how quickly she did the math in her head!) Then my daughter Elise, who was 4 at the time, interrupte­d and said, “No! God didn’t make us out of dirt! God made us out of love.”


What a meaningful moment.

Whatever material God used is less important than His motivation – love! I hope you know today that God made you out of love.

Even when we feel marred, messed up, and broken, I believe that God continues to shape and form us through His love. He wants to make our brokenness into something beautiful and our mess into His masterpiec­e, if we will put ourselves fully in His hands.

May we allow our Creator to shape and form our lives to reflect His love in our family, our community, and our world this week!

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RichaRd schnegeRge­R

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