Big Spring Herald

UTPB Men's Basketball joins campus community in finalizing voter registrati­on


UT Permian Basin Men’s Basketball did their part in having their voices heard by finishing their voter registrati­on paper work. The Falcons finished registerin­g as part of a larger event on campus to get students and members of the community the opportunit­y to register or get more informatio­n on voter registrati­on.

“It makes me proud to give them the opportunit­y to register to vote and give them the opportunit­y to make a difference,” said Head Coach Josh Newman. “We talked in great detail to them that we do not care who you vote for we just want them to understand they have the power to make a difference in what they believe in. We are in a very special country and we are fortunate enough that we can voice our opinion so let’s take advantage of it. There are people in other countries that would give everything to have what we have. Let’s not take it for granted, but instead take advantage of it. It was a struggle to those before us to give us this opportunit­y and we want to look back in history and value what they went through to give us this opportunit­y to vote. As a basketball coach the smallest thing I do is coach basketball. Our ultimate goal is to have these young men be better versions of themselves, and today I think we took a big step in being a better young man and to make a difference in our country.”

According to the US Census Bureau

people between the ages of 18 and 29 turnout to vote in much lower numbers than other age groups. In 2016, only 40 to 50 percent among that group voted.

“It is important for younger people to vote,” said freshman swimmer Abby Plunkett, who was volunteeri­ng to help people register to vote. “I think a lot of votes come from the older generation­s because we don’t think our opinion will matter, but I think it really does because our future matters.”

Voting more than just the presidenti­al election every four years. Many younger people don’t realize the impact voting has on a local scale.

“Coach Newman always tells us actions over words and voting is action,” said senior Adam Rivera. “We all have a voice and to those who fought for us having a voice would be a dishonor. We vote from the municipal level to the state level too. Do your own research, create your own opinion, and vote on it.”

Across the country other institutio­ns and teams are doing their part to register young voters as they try to bridge the gap in the age groups.

“With everything going on right now in society, it’s important for us to go out and vote,” said junior Malik Brikat. “Many before us fought for this privilege that didn’t have this right in their times.”

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