Big Spring Herald

The Journey


Polo, Columbus, Magellan, Lewis and Clark, Lindbergh, John Glenn and Neil Armstrong. We are drawn to the imaginary journeys of Hobbits seeking Mount Doom and Star Trek's quest to go where no man has gone before. Covid has caused many of us to cancel or suspend our trips. But we still hunger to travel. Journeys, both real and imagined, change the world and they change us.

God chooses to reveal himself through our journeys. Redemption starts with God's call to Abraham to leave his father's country and go to places he had never seen. Moses' journey out of Egypt produced the Ten Commandmen­ts which provide the basis for all moral understand­ing. No journey was ever more life changing than the journey Jesus started when he left Nazareth and gathered 12 men to follow him. Their travels on foot through the regions of Galilee, Judea and Samaria changed the world. The stories of their encounters with the lame, the blind, the rich, the poor, prostitute­s and priests provide us the framework for understand­ing God and ourselves.

We are all on a journey. The journeys we choose, where we go, how we get there and who goes with us will shape us and change us for the better or the worse. Sometimes our journeys lead us to distant places, sometimes close to home. The most important decisions about any journey is how we trust in God and how we treat others along the way.

We like to think we will all arrive at the same destinatio­n no matter what we believe, what we do or how we live. But the fact of the matter is that different roads lead to different places. Jesus said “broad is the way and wide is the gate that leads to destructio­n and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14) He alone knows the way that leads to life and He continuall­y invites us to join the journey that leads us there saying, “Come, follow me” (Mark 10:21).

Bill Tinsley reflects on current events and life experience from a faith perspectiv­e. His books are available at www.tinsleycen­ Email bill@tinsleycen­

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