Big Spring Herald

Haste makes waste


How many times do we hurry and scurry to get something done and then have to wait until after the deadline has passed us by to present our finished work?

Or we hast through something and have to back up and start over to do the job correctly? It happens all the time in our world of rapid communicat­ion systems.

Computers were supposed to be the one thing that changed the world to make things go faster. But – how many times have they shut down, or failed to save your work, or just plain stopped working – computer crash.

As a world out of our control right now – this is the time to stop hasting around like a chicken with its head cut off, and stop wasting the time of reflection on why this chaos is happening. Now is the time for God's people to stop. Stop doing. Stop our wicked ways. Stop ignoring the mandate to pray. Stop and find what God is trying to say to us.

He wants our fellowship, our followship, our friendship, and a relationsh­ip that lasts throughout all eternity. The only way to get on His “ship” is to slow down and wait for His direction in life. We have gotten off course, and become coarse in our actions toward others as well as our God. The Love or many has waxed cold. Only the warmth of His Holy Spirit actively working in our lives can melt the wax and bring us back to His leading.

So turn around and go His way. Let Him call the shots. Instead of trying to be the big shot in your realm of existence, call on Him to show you the way of non-haste so you can be in non-waste mode. You will be blest if you do.

 ??  ?? lillian Bohannan
lillian Bohannan

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