Big Spring Herald

Tips to enjoying a safe holiday season

- By AMANDA DUFORAT Managing Editor

Christmas time has arrived. As families wrap up last minute shopping and prepare to head out for family celebratio­ns, the Big Spring Police Department offers a few safety tips for this holiday season.

While this year has looked a little different than previous holidays, and the CDC has recommende­d to limit gatherings there will still be those who travel or choose to gather.

“As we have mentioned before it's important to pay attention to your surroundin­gs,” Big Spring Police Chief Chad Williams said. “For those who are wrapping up their Christmas shopping, with the days being shorter and it getting darker earlier, if you will be out after it gets dark make sure and park in well lit areas.”

Holiday safety tips can extend into every day activities to help detour the possibilit­y of criminal activity. When heading out in public, especially at the holiday season where there is an increase in foot traffic at malls and grocery stores, it is important to travel with someone.

“There is always strength in numbers. Shop and travel with other family members or friends, especially if it is at night or you are traveling to an area you are not familiar with,” Chief Williams said.

For those traveling – just as any other time of the year – do not post travel plans online. For those who will be out of town for the holidays, ask if a neighbor or trusted family member or friend will check your residence while you are out.

While out shopping make sure to keep items purchased out of site if at all possible. Leaving gifts purchased in open view or purses in seats to be seen by a passerby is a window of opportunit­y for theft.

When shopping items, once placed inside the vehicle, should be covered with a blanket or some type of covering. “We understand that there are those who may not have someone to check on their home while they are out of town, and we want to remind the community we do have a free house watch program in Big Spring,” he said. “To get set up simply call the police department, and 1003 E. FM 700 (432) 267-1480

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