Big Spring Herald

Something to think about…


In their hearts human beings plan their lives. But the Lord decides where their steps will take them. ~ Proverbs 16:9

Have you ever missed an appointmen­t? Inclement weather, power outages, traffic delays, or family crises can all interfere with our planned schedules. Often when we experience redirectio­n in our day we regard it only as a frustratin­g intrusion. But, is it possible that God is detouring us because He has something significan­t for us to do? The Lord may have ordered a divine appointmen­t that is way more important than anything we had on our agenda. I wonder sometimes how many of these supernatur­ally scheduled meetings I’ve missed because I didn’t have my spiritual tuner turned on.

Scripture records several divinely directed encounters. The story of Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch is a great example. We read in Acts 8 that the Spirit led Philip away from the crowds on a detour in the desert. Philip may have wondered what in the world he was doing way out there. He was a long way from the heart of his ministry activity.

But out in the middle of nowhere, he encountere­d a traveler. As Philip inched closer to the chariot, he realized this foreigner was attempting to understand Scripture and needed some spiritual direction. He was in the right place at the right time to lead this man into an experience with the Living God. Thankfully, Philip didn’t miss this divine appointmen­t.

We experience­d several divinely orchestrat­ed encounters this weekend. With the panicked prediction­s of a polar vortex affecting our area, we encouraged everyone to stay home on Sunday and safely watch the service online.

A few people didn’t get the memo, and came out anyway. On her way to church, Kathrine happened to pass someone walking against the wind in this arctic weather. She was able to offer him a ride and, with her help, he safely arrived at his destinatio­n. I’m not sure he would have made it if the Lord didn’t send Kathrine his way. I believe she made that divine appointmen­t.

Don and Sherri also felt compelled to brave the weather and join us for worship. They happened to pass someone shivering outside one of Don’s stores and immediatel­y turned around to check on her. Kelly was stranded. She had been traveling on the Grey Hound trying to get back home to Georgia and was now stuck in the Big Spring blizzard. She couldn’t find anyplace open that would cash her check. With no place to go and no cash, she was getting desperate. Don invited her to warm up at church and she jumped at the opportunit­y. I introduced myself to Kelly and explained it would be a different kind of service than usual. But with tears in her eyes she replied, “This is exactly what I need today.” After church, Don was able to get her check cashed and Kathrine was able to help her to find food and a place to stay.

They were at the right place at the right time to share God’s love with Kelly. Whatever else they had to scratch off their schedule, I’m thankful they didn’t miss this divine appointmen­t.

It is amazing how many opportunit­ies we have to share love when we’re paying attention.

You will probably miss several scheduled appointmen­ts this week, but I pray you stay tuned in to the Spirit so that you don’t miss the divine ones! #ShareLove

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