Big Spring Herald



When I was a child we celebrated every holiday, every birthday, and every occasion that called for joy to be expressed. My parents would celebrate “A’s” on report cards, 100’s on tests, and especially graduation from Kindergart­en, Eighth grade, and High school. The only thing that caused great disappoint­ment for me is when I graduated from College the only ones there were two cousins from San Diego, California. I was excited they were there, but the disappoint­ment in my parents was something I later had to get over.

When I got my doctorate from Salt Lake Baptist College, my brother was there for me. The joy of that occasion so reminded me of my family celebratio­ns, and is something I will always be grateful for.

Now in our Christian School we try to make a big deal out of the students’ accomplish­ments. When they pass from one grade to another, we celebrate. When they get a 100% on their testing, we celebrate. When they make the honor roll, we celebrate. When they memorize their monthly Scripture, we celebrate even more. That means we celebrate a whole lot.

We are approachin­g a holiday in America called Easter. At our church and in my own circle of friends we call it Resurrecti­on Sonday. It’s the day to remember our Saviour’s rising from the grave, that third day almost 2000 years ago. We don’t celebrate bunnies and colored eggs, in baskets. We celebrate the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. We celebrate sins paid for and forgiven by the grace and blood of our risen Lord.

When we get to Heaven as a result of believing in and accepting what Jesus did for us on the Cross, we will be celebratin­g again. I can’t even imagine what that celebratio­n will be like when we enter those gates. I know angels will welcome us Home. I know God, the Father, will greet us with joy unspeakabl­e and full of glory. And I know our friends and loved ones will be there to get a holy hug.

But most of all we will celebrate Jesus in His resurrecte­d body. Graduation, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, nothing will compare to that celebratio­n. Are you ready?

 ??  ?? LiLLian Bohannan
LiLLian Bohannan

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