Big Spring Herald

Something to think about…


Cruising down the highway, you glance at your side mirror and begin to slide over into the other lane, only to be startled by the harsh sound of a honking horn. You quickly swerve back and look again to realize that someone was there the entire time. You didn’t see them because they were in your blind spot. With a pounding heart and sweaty hands, you thank God (hopefully) that tragedy was averted. Maybe you have been the person in the other lane, nearly pushed off the road by a big truck because the driver simply didn’t see you. We all have blind spots! We can crash and burn on the highway of life if we fail to recognize and check our blind spots before making a change.

We suffer from spiritual blind spots as well. They can be extremely dangerous on the fast paced highway we call life. As I encounter Jesus on this journey of faith, I often find myself in the shoes of this man:

“‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Jesus asked him.

The blind man said, ‘Rabbi, I want to see.’

‘Go,’ said Jesus, ‘your faith has healed you.’ Immediatel­y he received his sight and followed Jesus along the path.” ~ Mark 10:51-52

In order to see Christ clearly, follow the Lord closely, and navigate this world correctly, we need God to heal our vision. Our image of God, our perspectiv­e of others and even our vision of ourselves is distorted. If we don’t recognize our spiritual blindness, how can we stay on the path He marked out for us? How can we lead our children, our family, or others if we have a faulty vision? Jesus said, “If the blind lead the blind then they will all fall into a pit.” May we recognize our blind spots and pray, “Lord, I want to see!” so that we might navigate this world as citizens of God’s Kingdom.

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but not I see.” ~ John Newton

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