Big Spring Herald

Church News NazFamily Church


This Sunday

Jesus invites us on a journey. “Come, Follow me.” It is a simple invitation to go on an adventure with a beloved friend. The Christian life is about more than right belief. It is more than intellectu­al assent. It is an invitation to journey with Jesus. Join us this Sunday as we continue discoverin­g Disciplesh­ip as a Journey of Grace.


We continue to pray for Ukraine and those affected by the ongoing conflict in that country. If you would like to know more about how the church is responding and would like to support families struggling in the midst of this crisis go to:

Community Egg Hunt

It is that time of year! Our annual community egg hunt will be at New Hope Christian School on Wednesday, April 13th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Everyone is invited to come for food, games, and family fun.

First Presbyteri­an is journeying through Lent on Sunday mornings and in our various digital spiritual resources. For the Lenten season, our prayer podcast will be a six day per week time of scripture and meditative reflection using The Ignatian Workout For Lent by Tim Muldoon. The podcast can be found wherever you get podcasts and also on our Facebook page and website.

Worship services March 20th will begin at 10:50 a.m. in the Sanctuary at 8th and Runnels. Our Scripture readings will be Psalm 63:1-8; Isaiah 55:6-9; Luke 13:1-9. Rev. Allen Cross will be preaching a sermon entitled: How Much Fertilizer Do We Need? Organist/music director Gabe Martinez provides music for the service. We will be celebratin­g Holy Communion.

Sunday School begins at 9:45. Rev. Cross teaches the Children's Class. Tom Koger leads the Youth Class. The Discovery Class has is starting a new 6 week DVD study by Kathie Lee Gifford with Rabbi Jason Sobel. It's a journey through the Holy Land on the ancient paths and listening to fascinatin­g and eye-opening insights from experts trained in the messianic rabbinical way. Bethlehem. Nazareth. Capernaum. The Mount of Olives. Jerusalem. It's all there. Vicki Miller and Helen Glass are leading the study.

Sunday morning Take Ten fellowship is in the parlor between Sunday School and worship.

Members and non-members alike are invited to take advantage of the spiritual resources available on our website and Facebook page. They include a six day each week prayer podcast, a weekly scripture reading and commentary, a weekly video devotional, and a video release of each Sunday's sermon. All these tools and resources prepare us for the coming Sunday worship.


Church Calendar

Daily Prayer Podcast (Monday-Saturday) Scripture Commentary (Tuesdays)

Video Devotional (Wednesdays)

Video Preview of this week’s bulletin (Fridays) Sunday Sermon Podcast & Video (Sundays)

Website: fpcbigspri­

Facebook Page: FPC of Big Spring YouTube Channel: FPC of Big Spring

The following weekly events are open to the community:


The Women’s Bible Study meets at 10 a.m.

The World Heritage Sites Lectures meets at noon. The Lectionary Bible Study, meets at 5:00 p.m.


Everyone is invited to join the Lunch Bunch at 11:30 a.m.

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