Big Spring Herald

First Christian Church


Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my portion forever.

Psalm 73:25-26

“Whom have I in heaven but you? “The psalmist knows that when we have God, we have everything we could ever need. There is no cause for worry or fretting for a child of God there is nothing this earth can offer that should be of such great desire for us, for He is our portion and we are all sufficient in Him, He meets our strength and potion forever

First Christian Church has wonderful news:

Dan Miracle has accepted the position of Resident Pastor for First Christian Church. We are excited and feel truly blessed to have Dan in the pulpit starting March 6, 2022

Assistants will be David Hillger and Bob Gibbs

We are growing, come share our excitement. The Southern Praises Gospel Country Group Music:

Bob and Geri Gibbs, Terry Vanlaningh­am and Wayne Davis is playing during our worship service along with special solos by Lawrence Thibeault.

We have no “creeds” that are required; there is no set of beliefs about God that you must profess in order to count this as your church community. We strive for a Christian faith which is both socially relevant to our time and intellectu­ally sound., while holding true to Jesus’ teachings. No one is excluded from God’s grace! Everyone has questions about faith and life, and we celebrate that! At First Christian Church you will find the company of friends eager to help and encourage you as you move forward on your spiritual journey.

If you are searching for a church home or just want to drop by for a visit……we welcome the opportunit­y to have you join us. Sunday morning Social Time - pre-Worship Service - starts approximat­ely 9:30 AM in the Sitting Room by the office. Donuts, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Tea and Bottled Water.

Worship Service starts @ 10:50 AM. Hope to see you there

page. If you are new to the area or haven’t been to church before or in a while, please accept this as an invitation to join us this Sunday. Please come and join us.

The readings for this Sunday are Ezekiel 33:720, 1 Corinthian­s 1: 13, and Luke 13: 1-9.

The psalm is Psalm 85.

Shyrlee Reid will present the scripture readings this week.

Our Wednesday Evening Bible Study is continuing. A meal is served at 5:30 and our bible study begins at 6:00. We have begun a new bible study called “Witnesses for Christ”. We will be talking about the 7 miracles in John. Please come and join us.

Be a witness to Christ this Lent, from Ash Wednesday through beautiful Easter morning. Journey through John’s Gospel as he paints a stunning portrait of Jesus, who is the bread of life, your glorious Savior, John wrote his Gospel for you “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31). LIFE!! Through this season of Lent, you too will see how believing in the resurrecti­on brings you life—abundant life, forgiven life, and eternal life. That’s Gods gift to His children. Join us each Wednesday evening at 7:00 as we hear about “Witnesses To Christ: People From His Passion.

Tune in to KBYG every morning for a devotional sponsored in part by the Lutheran Hour. Tune in to 106.3 FM or 1400 AM between 6:45 and 6:50 each morning for these wonderful devotions: “Morning Meditation Thoughts”. Also tune in every Sunday morning at 8:30 to listen to the Lutheran Hour.

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