Big Spring Herald

Love, Faith, Hope

- By Dr. Lillian Bohannan Special to the Herald

“And now abideth faith, hope charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.” I Corinthian­s 13:13

When I was a little girl, I would ask my Dad or Mom, “Can I have…?” so and so, or such and such. They would either tell me to go ask the other one, or tell me yes, or a flat no. I knew not to argue, even if I did go and pout when they told me no. They knew best and I didn’t. Sometimes I would ask why they said no, and because they loved me they would explain that they loved me and knew what was best for me.

No matter how much you think you know a subject, there is always something new to learn in the acting out of God’s mandate for His children. When I was a child, I did many childish things, which no one got on to me for because after all I was a child. But now when I do childish things, people think I am either weird, or have grandchild­ren that make me act this way. I prefer to think the latter.

But what does God think about my childish behavior. Not really much of anything. After all I am His child no matter how old in earth years I am. He expects me to act like His child because I depend on

Him and know He knows bunches more about life than I do.

When I get to Heaven, my childishne­ss in His kingdom will be done away with and I will know as I am known. I will see His Son, who died and rose again for me, face to face. I will know His love perfected in me. I will put away the seemingly childish questions I asked here on earth. He will perfect my knowledge of Him in such a way as to take away all my tears and longing for Home.

I will know faith perfected. I will know hope fulfilled. And I will know love in all its glory as I gaze on the One Who made Heaven possible for me.

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