Big Spring Herald

The Good News

- By Tom Sloan Special to the Herald

How can we keep the good news of the gospel to ourselves? How can we be quiet about the greatest event in the history of the world? How can we keep silent about the fact that Christ is the end of the Law for righteousn­ess to all who believe? Is it possible to know that Christ has delivered us from the curse of the Law, and not tell it? He didn’t do this for the “good” ones, He did it for vile, sinful people like me. This is what He meant when He said – they that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. When Jesus talks about calling sinners to repentance, He is not talking about turning over a new leaf or walking the line by doing the deeds of the Law. Jesus is not referring to the definition of repentance which religious man has imposed upon our lives as a prerequisi­te for believing the gospel. Jesus is talking about repenting of a lifestyle of hopelessne­ss, unquenched thirst, starvation, and despondenc­y. When Jesus calls sinners to repentance, He is calling them to forsake hopelessne­ss by believing the hope of the gospel. Jesus is calling sinners from a lifestyle of thirst, and invites them to drink of the water of life freely. He is calling sinners to repentance by leading them away from a life of starvation, into His banqueting house, to feast on the Bread of life. Jesus is leading sinners to repent of a lifestyle of despondenc­y by telling them – be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven. This, my friends, is the best news my ears have ever heard.

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