Big Spring Herald

First Church of the Nazarene



Do you ever feel restless? We've all had nights where we tossed and turned. There are times when we've had trouble getting to sleep. But, deeper than our sleep schedules there is a pervading restlessne­ss in our world. Jesus clearly told us, “In this world you will have trouble…” It is easy for the turbulence around us to seep into our spirit. The storms we experience in this life can become the storms within our soul. How can we find real rest in a restless world? Taking vacation is nice, but no number of “days off” will bring the rest and peace that we seek. As St. Augustine prayed, “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds rest in You.” It is only as we root our whole self in Him – our past, present and future; our hopes, dreams and ambition; our pain, challenges and brokenness – that there is true peace. Join us this Sunday as we continue to explore what it means to live Fruit-full Lives.

Freedom Celebratio­n

Come celebrate our freedom with the NazFamily! Everyone is invited to gather at Howard & Sally Callender's property on Saturday, July 2nd. We will be eating @ 6:00pm, but you are welcome to come out anytime that afternoon. There will be fishing, swimming, horseback riding, a time of worship and, of course, fireworks (if permitted). Fun for the whole family! If you need direction or more informatio­n, contact the church office at Hope to see you there!

No Men's Breakfast

We won't have our monthly Men's Breakfast this week. Instead, we encourage all the guys to gather your family and friends and join us for our NazFamily Freedom Celebratio­n on Saturday evening.

Making Waves VBS

Join the fun August 2 - 5 from 6:00 - 8:30pm. In this wet and wild VBS, kids learn that what they do today can change the world around them. When we put your trust in Jesus, we can “make waves” because of His Spirit living inside us. Through fun activities, engaging lessons, and God's Word, we'll help kids understand how they can share God's love with the people around them. You can find the registrati­on link on our website: or our FaceBook page.

Back to School Drive

We are partnering with Tate's Place for a community wide back to school event that will take place on August 7th. They have asked our church to collect hair care and toiletry products that can be handed out to families on that day. You can drop those items off in the foyer or at the church office. WOW

Our District Women of Worth conference will be on July 28 - 30 in Wichita Falls. You can go to this site to find out more informatio­n and register today: women-of-worth-conference

--spiritual resources available on our website and Facebook page. They include a six day each week prayer podcast, a weekly scripture reading and commentary, a weekly video devotional, and a video release of each Sunday's sermon. All these tools and resources prepare us for the coming Sunday worship.


Daily Prayer Podcast (Monday-Saturday)

Scripture Commentary (Tuesdays) Video Devotional (Wednesdays) Video Preview of this week's bulletin (Fridays)

Sunday Sermon Podcast & Video (Sundays)

Website: fpcbigspri­ Facebook Page: FPC of Big Spring YouTube Channel: FPC of Big Spring

The following weekly events are open to the community: WEDNESDAY

The Women's Bible Study meets at 10 a.m. – on hiatus until August 3rd.

The World Heritage Sites Lectures meets at noon – on hiatus until August 3rd.

The Lectionary Bible Study, meets at 5:00 p.m.


Everyone is invited to join the Lunch Bunch at 11:30 a.m.

All our worship services can be heard live on KBST 1490 AM and 95.7 FM at 11:00 a.m. as usual or seen recorded online at www.fpcbigspri­ng. com by selecting the SERMONS tab and the correct date.

Please call the church office at 2634211 for other informatio­n. We would be pleased for you to Like us on Facebook. Although the physical address of First Presbyteri­an Church is 701 Runnels, the mailing address is P. O. Box 2222, Big Spring, Texas 79721.


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