Big Spring Herald

This is An Old Story


Sometimes stories are very much worth repeating again and again and again. This is one of those stories that will never grow old. When I was 9 years-old, I was lying in bed one evening. I was on the front porch of an old unpainted two bedroom house. My four brothers were in the only other bedroom available. My sister and I slept on the screened-in porch in the summer time.

I had almost fallen asleep, when I thought I saw Jesus, God, and angels in a dream. It was so real I started crying in fright. My sister asked me what was wrong, and I told her, “Nothing, go back to sleep.” I didn’t want her to think I was a sissy.

She pursued her question until I finally told her what I saw. She said, “Well, you just got saved!” She ran into the kitchen and told me mother with me in tow.

Mom asked me the typical questions about Jesus, and dying on the Cross, and rising again to which I answered yes to all. I had been raised in church and knew all the right responses. The next day she took me to the preacher and I again said yes in all the right places.

When I was 12, Mother had me baptized along with my older brother. What’s funny is we had to borrow the Mormon Church baptistery because our church didn’t have one yet. Now that church is an Independen­t Baptist Church in my hometown.

But on with my story. I was very faithful to go to church. I didn’t drink, smoke, or do anything that would dishonor my church or my family. I went to a Christian college and became active on the Mission Team as the social leader. When I was 19, I was a counselor in the Billy Graham Crusade in Los

Angeles. I even sang in the choir.

When I was 21, I married a Baptist preacher, had a son four years later, taught school, and actively worked in my local church. I thought I had it all together.

Then I met a former college friend who ran Christian coffee houses in California. I invited him to speak to our ladies group at church about his work. He came, and as I sat there listening, His first question stunned me. “Have you come to the place in your spiritual life, that you are 100 percent sure that you would go to Heaven when you die?”

My heart did one of those search-light things to my brain and I couldn’t say yes. I didn’t hear about the coffee houses, I didn’t hear another word he said. All I kept hearing in my mind was that 100 percent surety. I was so troubled that when I got home that night, with my nine-month old son lying in his crib, at 10:30 that night, I got down on my knees and cried out to God.

“God, if I’m not a Christian, please save me right now.” And He did!

The old, old story of Jesus and His great love for me is still true and will be forever true. He died on the cross for me, He paid the penalty for my personal sin as he was dying for the whole world He loved. He rose again the third day, and is coming back for me just like He said. And all this is according to the True Scriptures of our mighty God.

Will you stop fighting Him and accept His old, old story? Oh how He loves you and me. He gave His life—what more could He give? It’s the same old story and it will never grow old. His mercies are new every morning. And He’s waiting for you to be 100 percent sure.

 ?? ?? Dr. lillian BoHannan
Dr. lillian BoHannan

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