Birds & Blooms

Across the Fence

When Mother Nature provides these clues, readers know that a new season is near.


Signs of spring

My native silktassel shrub (Garrya elliptica) starts blooming in February. The flowers are pale yellow and white, and it’s as if they are saying, Spring is coming; just hold on a little longer. Leslie Disrude CRESCENT CITY, CALIFORNIA

Blooming forsythia bushes are my favorite sign of spring. The colorful yellow flowers let me know that warmer temperatur­es are on the way. Patty Outlaw PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA

The first male American goldfinch in his brilliant yellow plumage is the surest and most welcome sign of spring. Bonnie Sassaman COLLEGEVIL­LE, PENNSYLVAN­IA

Spotting a beautiful purple, white or pink crocus popping up from under a blanket of snow. Mary Smith LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA

My favorite sign of spring is when the eastern redbud trees bloom. I love watching the buds appear, break open and cover the bare branches in delicate pink flowers. Marygrace Lynch SAVANNAH, GEORGIA

The way the air smells different one morning. I can’t describe the scent, I just know it. Elodia Cain SAN ANGELO, TEXAS

 ??  ?? An American goldfinch perches in a redbud tree.
An American goldfinch perches in a redbud tree.
 ??  ?? Crocus

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