Birds & Blooms

My grandmothe­r’s plant gives off an amazing fragrance, sort of sweet and spicy, like cinnamon or nutmeg. Last spring, I was determined to identify it, and I’m fairly certain it’s a California spicebush. But we live in the mid-atlantic region. Is this poss


Melinda: Great job on your plant identifica­tion! The California spicebush (Calycanthu­s occidental­is) is native to California, has fragrant burgundy flowers and is hardy in Zones 7 to 10, so it could survive in your Zone 7 area. Its close relative, the common sweetshrub, or Carolina allspice (Calycanthu­s floridus), is hardier and can be found growing in Zones 4 to 9. Common sweetshrub has maroon flowers with a fruity fragrance when fully open. It adapts to a wide range of soils and grows in sun or shade. Prune after flowering if you need to control its size but still want to enjoy flowers the following spring.

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