Bonita & Estero Magazine




What’s better than watching Sanibel’s Fourth of July parade? Getting a cooling shot from a water gun while watching the parade. Aah!


Still have stars in my eyes from the fireworks last night. You could see them all over the horizon— from Cape Coral to Fort Myers Beach to Estero and beyond.


It's a lazy summer Sunday. … You'll find me You’ll find me at the pool bar enjoying my latest favorite libation, the Passion of Chris. The bartender will absolutely sell you on it with his practiced spiel.


Thunder had us running for cover on the tennis court today. The storm blew up really fast and got the lightning detector squawking at us. Good excuse for lunch in the clubhouse.


It’s all about the mango. Pine Island, here we come—to feast on this nectar of the gods. Mango-Mania!


My freezer is very colorful now—bags full of delicious mango slices peek out from every nook, awaiting their turn to bring cheer to my morning smoothie.


Wow, last night’s storm left a deposit of coconuts in my backyard. I must take them to L, who will transform them into the most unusual postcards you’ll ever see.


A good day of kayaking in Estero. Heading east on the river feels less like Florida coast and more like African jungle. Wildlife galore.


Hot! Today is why snowbirds go north. They tend to melt in this heat. But we diehards refuse to let 95-degrees-in-the-shade get us down.


OK, maybe it is time for a little trip north. Carolina mountain air sounds pretty good right about now.


Of course, there’s always the beach with its sea breeze and tantalizin­g water. A tall Tervis tumbler of iced tea, a soft beach towel and a good book—I’m all set for this warm afternoon.


Nothing like a day on the water to chill. A little boat ride in search of a cheeseburg­er in paradise, and all’s right with the world.


Can school really be starting so soon? Isn’t it still the middle of summer? Why, yes, it is. Sorry, kids.


I swear this really happened. A bobcat walked right up to my back slider and peered at me on the other side, then kept on walking across the driveway and into the foliage, as calm as could be. Unlike me.


I’m still looking both ways when I walk into the backyard. You just never know what kind of visitor might be passing through.


Long gas lines at Costco today. Attendant said everyone is filling up to get out of town for Labor Day. Sounds like a good reason to stay put and enjoy the quiet.

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