Borger News-Herald

Letter to the Editor


I would like to address the article written by Mary Kay Phelan, Hutchinson County Republican Chair. (Published in the Borger News Herald on Thursday, August 4,2022) In the article Mary Kay fails to mention she did not do her job by filling the precinct chairs. In doing so, Mary Kay gained the benefit of having the sole decision on who’s name goes on the ballot. I believe had the precinct chairs been filled as she was elected to do, it would have been a more proper and fair process. Having a committee such as the Commission­ers Court and County Judge as a five body panel make the decision, it provides the County with a more fair decision than someone who wants to push their personal desires and agenda onto the County.

In the article Mary Kay states “Now you may wonder why she (Yadi) would keep her name on the ballot?” There have been multiple occasions Mary Kay has seen me during the process of my resignatio­n and not once has she tried to address me in person or return my call. She has had several chances to do the job she was elected to do as well as reach out to me for conversati­on regarding the situation, but she would rather write an article attacking my personal character and accuse my motive as playing the games of politics. I see myself as doing the opposite and defending the residents of Hutchinson County from the political games and agenda of someone else.

The newly appointed JP Amanda Wysong had no clue about my changing situation, and has nothing to do with the decision to remain on the ballot due to Mary Kays lack of job performanc­e. I feel the process of letting the Commission­ers take applicatio­ns and conduct interviews for the JP position was the most fair and unbiased, and since she was appointed this cycle, Amanda will run for re-election in the next election cycle.

My plans on life changed and I didn’t anticipate a marriage and relocation in the near future, but God had other plans that I am now following. The citizens of Hutchinson County deserve transparen­cy. There are two sides to every story and just because MK wrote in the article with her opinion, it doesn’t mean she stated all facts.

If anybody has a question about my decision and wants to speak to me personally, please feel free to reach out or contact me.

Yadi Rodriguez

Borger, TX

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