Borger News-Herald

Van Yandell: God Determines the Sequence


Genesis 1: 1-3 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light

For many years now, I’ve written, preached and taught the omniscienc­e of God based on the science and fulfilled prophesy in the Holy Bible. While the many examples of these remain accurate and true, the concept of God having perfectly sequenced actions and events has mostly gone unnoticed.

April 8, 2024 was the date of a total eclipse of the sun. When at its peak in various locations, the moon completely blocked out the circle of the sun. In pictures we saw what appeared to be solar flares around the perimeter of the circle.

It is amazing, the moon is the perfect size and distance from the earth for that matching of the diameters of the two celestial bodies. Considerin­g

the sun’s volume capacity would hold 64.3 million moons (Google Earth), how did that perfect sizing happen?

Many saw a phenomenon of total darkness and perhaps there is a spiritual significan­ce to that. Contrarily, I saw the perfect precision and balance of God’s creation.

The precision of the solar system has allowed the prediction­s of solar eclipses for centuries. Records have shown that the Babylonian­s and ancient Chinese were able to predict solar eclipses as early as 2500 BCE (NASA).

Edmund Halley made the first confirmed solar eclipse prediction (April 22, 1715), using the laws of gravity devised only a few decades earlier by Isaac Newton (Wikipedia).To consider the perfect balance of our solar system (sun, planets and moons), their precise speeds, orbital path, rotation, tilting, and distances from their planet or the sun, to ignore the possibilit­y of an intelligen­t design would be shortsight­ed to say the least.

In Genesis chapter one, we see another example of God’s foresight and knowledge. Verse one starts with “In the beginning.” While we may not know for sure when that was, He was referring to the beginning of the earth and possibly the universe.

We humans are finite beings. We relate most things to a specific time period which essentiall­y means a beginning and an end. When we were children, many asked, how old is God? The typical answer was, “He has always been,”

If that is a legitimate answer, why then is the age of the universe not stated as “it has always been?” We know stars/suns are born and they die. Their life cycles are usually stated in billions of earth years, but it appears to be a fact, stars/suns are born and they die. Our sun is estimated to be five-billion years old and contains enough hydrogen to burn another five billion years. Genesis chapter one leaves us with a few questions. What was God referring to as “the heaven” in verse one? Could it have been the entire universe, the visible night sky or the celestial place of eternal life? We will get many opinions but the final answer remains, we really do not know.

Verse two confirms water existed “in the beginning,” which began the sequential process of creation.

Genesis 1: 3 “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” Light and water are essential components of photosynth­esis. The process of sequencing creation began in the first three verses of the Bible.

Many in our world have come to believe science and the Bible are in conflict. In reality it is quite the opposite!

Based on Genesis chapters one and two, the certainty of the laws of thermodyna­mics is verified. Matter/energy cannot either be created or destroyed. Matter is constant in our universe, it simply changes form.

Solomon reinforced this circumstan­ce in Ecclesiast­es 1: 7 in what is called the hydrologic cycle or the cycling of water. The rain falls, it is used by plants and animals, evaporates into the sky or runs off into the oceans and evaporates, then falls again as rain. The amount of water in the earth is constant from Genesis 1: 2.

Genesis 8: 22 “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” God further verifies this perfect balance and sequencing in this verse. God has set the planet to make one complete tilt cycle every 365 ¼ days to establish the seasons.

We also see the words “In the beginning” in John 1: 1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” Confirming the Word/Jesus was the Creator (John 1: 3) we can be assured of His divinity, authority and power.

The scripture teaches God Jesus offered Himself as a living sacrifice for the sins of the world by His death on the cross.

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