Boston Herald

Vouchers offer equal opportunit­y

State should give poorer families chances for choice

- By KEN ARDON and CARA STILLINGS CANDAL Ken Ardon is an associate professor of economics at Salem State University and Cara Stillings Candal is a senior fellow at Pioneer Institute, a Boston-based think tank.

Despite many historic improvemen­ts, K-12 education in Massachuse­tts is still too much like a game of musical chairs. Families who can afford it move to wealthy communitie­s or send their children to private schools, children from a few less-affluent families win lotteries that allow their children to go to charter schools, and too many of the rest are left standing when the music stops.

That would change if Massachuse­tts passed a voucher program that would give poorer families the access to private schools that their more affluent counterpar­ts already enjoy — something that could be done at little or no cost to taxpayers.

Vouchers — which provide public funds to help parents pay private school tuition — worth $6,000 per year for grades K-8 and $8,000 for high school could be offered to 10,000 students from lowincome families. Since the amount of the voucher is less than the commonweal­th’s average per-pupil spending of about $12,000 per year, there is no net cost to taxpayers even if spending per pupil on the remaining students rises.

By this fall, 400,000 students, mostly from low-income families or those with special needs, will be educated under private schoolchoi­ce programs in 23 states and the District of Columbia. The programs include scholarshi­p tax credits, which work indirectly by providing a tax credit to a third party who donates money to fund a scholarshi­p that is provided to parents; vouchers; and educationa­l savings accounts, which operate like vouchers but also allow the money to be used for other educationa­l expenses.

One sign of the success of private school-choice programs is that once establishe­d, states have almost always chosen to expand them. Nine out of 10 highqualit­y studies of voucher programs in seven cities have found improved test scores for at least some students; none of those studies found any negative impacts.

There is strong unmet demand for choice in Massachuse­tts. The combined waitlists for charter and vocational-technical schools and the Metropolit­an Council for Educationa­l Opportunit­y — the Metco program, under which Boston and Springfiel­d students attend schools in surroundin­g districts — include 56,000 students. In Boston, the Metco waitlist is about five years long.

A North Carolina court just ruled that vouchers are constituti­onal. But for such a program to become available to low-income Massachuse­tts families, the commonweal­th must repeal the socalled “Know-Nothing”-style amendments to the state Constituti­on. The amendments, named after the political party that was behind them, block state money from going to private and parochial schools and are an outgrowth of mid-19th century anti-Catholic bigotry.

What about the students left behind? Research indicates that a voucher program would improve educationa­l outcomes for both those who do and don’t choose to access the voucher, because competitio­n from vouchers stimulates improvemen­t in public school performanc­e. It would also reduce segregatio­n, increase parent satisfacti­on with schools and make Massachuse­tts more economical­ly competitiv­e.

But most importantl­y, it would make the equal rights on which our republic was founded a reality for many more Massachuse­tts residents. And making the right to educationa­l opportunit­y a reality should never depend on whether a student happens to be seated or standing when the music stops.

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