Boston Herald

No debates yet for unimpressi­ve Dems


Where are the Democrats?

Republican presidenti­al contenders have already debated twice. So far, there has been nothing on the other side of the aisle.

Between now and the end of March, there are 10 prime-time debates scheduled for the GOP. Democrats have only scheduled six debates and two are not with big outlets. The first Democrat debate is not until mid-October.

Why would Democrats allow Republican­s to get more face time in front of American voters?

One reason is that they would be forced to defend President Obama’s unpopular policies.

Voters still don’t like Obamacare. Lowering the quality of health insurance and forcing people to pay for other people’s coverage tends to tick off the payers.

In 2008, Democrats were quick to jump all over President Bush for growing the national debt. Eight years later, Obama has trounced Bush on that score. Our economy never came roaring back. What Democrat wants to be saddled with this unpopular baggage?

Another reason Democrats might not want to debate is to protect their frontrunne­r — Hillary Clinton. There are many questions she needs to answer, such as: When the phone rang on the night of the Benghazi attack, where was she? Does she still not know what difference it makes?

At the GOP debate, Donald Trump was questioned about his finger on the nuclear button. Hillary should be asked if she would be available for a crisis.

There’s the email scandal. For the millennial voters, a debate might be educationa­l on all the old Hillary scandals, including Whitewater, Vince Foster and Travelgate, to name a few.

Then there’s Bernie Sanders, the democratic socialist — scary for anyone who works for a living.

Maybe the real reason Democrats aren’t debating much is they know their field of candidates is not nearly as impressive as the GOP’s.

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