Boston Herald

Go Fourth, vote for Founding Fathers' vision


Happy 4th of July! Actually, Happy Independen­ce Day.

Are you honoring the true meaning of this holiday?

All too often our freedoms are taken for granted. We should cherish the freedoms for which our Founding Fathers had the courage to wage the American Revolution­ary War that allowed future generation­s to be free from tyranny.

But instead of embracing our freedoms, millennial­s and liberals are willing to sacrifice them for a false sense of security and fairness, and the hope that government will take care of us.

Are we a nation of children that the government must coddle, or are we a country of responsibl­e citizens?

The current class of profession­al politician­s believes that we are mere children that need care from cradle to grave.

Former New York City Mayor Bloomberg worked to regulate our salt intake and what size of soda we could drink. Department of Transporta­tion highway signs blink with reminders that fireworks are illegal in our state where the Revolution­ary War started.

While these are small infraction­s on our freedom, they emboldened big government and politician­s to further dictate to us.

Washington has attacked our rights by forcing us to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. You were not allowed by our government to keep your health insurance plan or doctor.

Washington knows better how to handle our money, so the pols take from our wallets in alarming rates in the form of taxes and fees limiting our financial freedoms.

Yet, government cannot manage its true responsibi­lity to protect our nation. Our economic security is threatened by a bloated federal bureaucrac­y and a burgeoning federal debt of $19 trillion. Our borders leak like a sieve, allowing an invasion and a fundamenta­l transforma­tion of our nation. When terrorists attack, the response is an effort to limit our Second Amendment rights instead of asking why a government agency failed.

As citizens of this great nation, you have a responsibi­lity to protect the liberty. Be a modern day patriot by rejecting socialism and an all-powerful government. Stand with our Founding Fathers who wanted a free market, limited government and individual rights. In the voting booth, ask who George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson would vote for. It would not be the candidate who promises to take away your freedoms and care for you like a child. It would be the candidate who will be with the people, not the government.

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