Boston Herald

Coach paying off for Wales


LYON, France — To be one game away from the European Championsh­ip final is an achievemen­t for any coach. More so for Chris Coleman.

The journey to today’s game against Portugal, the first semifinal in Welsh football history, has been an arduous one for the 46-year-old Coleman.

His playing career prematurel­y ended following a car crash that he was fortunate to survive, while his first managerial job in the spotlight of the Premier League was terminated just as he was getting going. Five years were spent in the managerial wilderness in lower-league jobs in England, Spain and Greece, between spells of being unemployed.

“There are a lot of good managers out of work because there are only so many jobs,” Coleman said yesterday. “Two jobs running, if you get it wrong, it’s hard to get that third one. That’s generally the rule.”

Many in Coleman’s position might have given up but he had the greatest British manager of them all as a mentor: Alex Ferguson.

“I was out of work for a year and my next job, which was four years after managing in the Premier League (at Fulham), was in the second division in Greece,” Coleman said. “I went there (to Larissa in 2011) on the advice of Alex Ferguson. He just told me, ‘You’ve been out for a year, don’t wait. The next one that comes up, it doesn’t matter where it is — take it.’

“So I did. I took a chance. It’s the best thing that happened to me.”

Coleman regained his confidence, after being fired in 2010 in the second tier with Coventry.

“I rethought a lot about myself,” Coleman said. “I got it wrong at Coventry. I can give you loads of sob stories about my time at Coventry but actually, if I’m honest, I could have done better.”

The answer was typical of Coleman’s candor, a reflection of the challenges he has faced to reach the Euro 2016 semifinals with his nation.

“You find out a lot about yourself when you are out of comfortabl­e environmen­t and you are asked difficult questions and you have to find the answers,” Coleman said.

He faced those kinds of questions early in his Wales career. The lowest ebb came in September 2012 with a 6-1 loss away to Serbia early in qualifying for the 2014 World Cup.

“I had doubts whether I was capable of doing the job after the Serbia game,” Coleman recalled.

But he stuck at the job and Wales persevered, as inside two years Coleman changed the team’s mindset.

“We used to be far too honest,” Coleman said at the Stade de Lyon. “Anything you need to do to stay in the game, you stay in the game. I call that being street-wise, football-smart. We’ve got much better at that in the last couple of years. Sometimes it’s not very pretty, it can be ugly. People look at it and say it’s negative.” It’s been producing positive results. “The team spirit is real,” Coleman said. “It came from the darker days when it wasn’t so easy for us.”

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? MAN IN CHARGE: Wales coach Chris Coleman (right) chats with defender Chris Gunter during yesterday’s training session in Dinard, France.
AP PHOTO MAN IN CHARGE: Wales coach Chris Coleman (right) chats with defender Chris Gunter during yesterday’s training session in Dinard, France.

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