Boston Herald



The more they try to blame everything on Donald Trump, or at least deflect the pointing finger away from themselves, the more incoherent they sound, and the more this whole fight is up for grabs.

And you know who “they” are — Hillary, Obama, their assorted allies and, of course, their lapdogs in the mass media.

Let’s start with Hillary yesterday. Forget the fact that she apparently only takes questions now from female reporters. Here is the latest statement of her bona fides:

“I’m the only candidate in this race who has been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlegrou­nd.”

Yes, and bring them to our neighborho­ods. But beyond Hillary’s inspired plan to import 550 percent more unvetted “Syrians” into the U.S., how exactly is it a “hard decision” to take terrorists off the battlegrou­nd?

Did the armed cop in the mall in St. Cloud, Minn., have to make a “hard decision” about whether to shoot the Somali savage who was charging him with a bloody knife shouting “Allahu akbar?”

Next, the mayor of New York. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to out-PC Bill de Blasio:

“We know that this was a bombing. That much we do know. We know it was a very serious incident.”

May we quote you on that, mayor?

“The early indication­s are, this was an intentiona­l act. … We believe at this point in time this was an intentiona­l act.”

In other words, the NYPD bomb squad ruled out spontaneou­s combustion as a cause.

The White House line yesterday from Josh “Not So” Earnest is that this is a “battle of narratives.”

I always say, never bring a narrative to a gunfight, or even worse, a bomb fight. But let’s take his Baghdad Bob statement at face value. How do you win a battle of narratives if you can’t even bring your-

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? PC PRESIDENT: Hillary Clinton speaks with members of the media at Westcheste­r County Airport in White Plains, N.Y., yesterday regarding the attack in New York City.
AP PHOTO PC PRESIDENT: Hillary Clinton speaks with members of the media at Westcheste­r County Airport in White Plains, N.Y., yesterday regarding the attack in New York City.
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