Boston Herald

Obama shows disdain for press over Islamic terror

- — jaclyn.cashman@bostonhera­

President Obama has some nerve slamming the media during his press conference about the latest round of terror attacks. Frankly, he is quicker to attack the media than the real target — radical Islam.

Obama cautioned the media to “refrain from getting out ahead of the investigat­ion.” Yet once again he’s leading from behind with old informatio­n at his news conference.

While addressing the bombings, he forgot to mention the most important detail — the guy had already been caught. Obama was regurgitat­ing stale informatio­n that the FBI had a “person of interest” when, in fact, police officers in Linden, N.J., who had already been shot by Ahmad Khan Rahami, shot back and sent him to a hospital.

Obama told the press that “it does not help if false reports or incomplete informatio­n is out there.”

Does he really think the media should hold off on breaking news and updates, and just wait for press conference­s? People deserve to be informed in real time that a suspect is apprehende­d and that the world is a bit safer.

The media doesn’t need a lecture from Obama. He should save that for the million-dollar speeches he will deliver after leaving office in January. No member of the media wants to get their story wrong, but the fluidity of these breaking-news situations ultimately will result in some misinforma­tion.

He showed more disdain for inaccurate reporting than he did for the suspected terrorist, a 28-yearold New Jersey man from Afghanista­n linked to an attempted mass-killing spree.

According to Obama, it’s not tough leadership that will protect us. Nope — instead he encouraged everyone to go about their business, show no fear and pretend terrorists are not trying to destroy our great country.

He praised the residents of New York and New Jersey for their toughness: “That’s gonna be the most important ingredient in us defeating those who would carry out terrorist acts against us,” he said.

Really? I thought it was counterint­elligence and a robust military.

“They are trying to hurt innocent people, but they also want to inspire fear in all of us and disrupt the way we live, to undermine our values,” Obama said. “We all have a role to play as citizens in making sure we don’t succumb to that fear.”

As president, he has a role to play in dismantlin­g ISIS. Instead, his main interest seems to be campaignin­g and fundraisin­g for Hillary Clinton.

 ?? STAFF PHOTO BY NICOLAUS CZARNECKI ?? ON THE FRONT LINE: A police officer patrols West 23rd Street in Manhattan yesterday as the street remained closed in the wake of Saturday’s bombing attack.
STAFF PHOTO BY NICOLAUS CZARNECKI ON THE FRONT LINE: A police officer patrols West 23rd Street in Manhattan yesterday as the street remained closed in the wake of Saturday’s bombing attack.
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