Boston Herald

Scott appreciate­s long road to major leagues

- By EVAN DRELLICH Twitter: @evandrelli­ch Twitter: @evandrelli­ch

BALTIMORE — There seem to be a fistful of Robby Scotts a year, players and pitchers who make the major leagues from origins of the longest odds then go on to be more than just novelties.

Scott, a 27-year-old lefty reliever who was undrafted out of Florida State and was playing independen­t ball five years ago, earned his first big league win Sunday.

He came in for the final out of the top of the seventh inning in a 5-4 win against the Yankees, striking out Didi Gregorious.

“He handles himself well,” said Brad Ziegler, the veteran Red Sox pitcher Scott replaced Sunday. “I think he’s just kind of loving the moment he’s getting and making the most of it. He’s pitched well for us. He’s obviously a tough matchup for lefties, just with his arm angle and stuff. So it’s definitely been a nice addition for us and probably in a lot of ways a little unexpected.”

Hanley Ramirez hit a tie-breaking home run in the bottom of the seventh inning, making Scott the pitcher of record. Wins and losses for pitchers might not be valued as they once were, but a first big league victory isn’t diminished.

Every time Scott gets into a game it’s an event for those who know him.

“It’s kind of crazy,” Scott said before last night’s 5-2 win against the Orioles. “Everything’s just been blowing up almost every time I look at my phone, somebody new, somebody different. It’s been fun just to kind of be a part of it.”

Scott’s made three appearance­s, none bigger than the three scoreless innings he threw Thursday against the Yankees ahead of Ramirez’ walkoff homer. He came into yesterday with just three hits allowed in 42⁄ innings. 3

“I have two different arm angles, dropping down to lefties and staying up top to righties but also using (the drop down) to righties as well,” Scott said. “Just started doing that in the last year and a half or so.”

In 2011, Scott’s manager was Jose Canseco with an independen­t team in Yuma, Ariz. The late Tony Phillips, an ex-big leaguer, was a player on the team as was James Hoyt, another reliever who this year made the big leagues for the first time with the Houston Astros.

When the Red Sox bought Scott’s contract and brought him into their minor league system, into affiliated pro ball, he was in the middle of a start.

“We had a doublehead­er that day, so I started the first game and I threw the first inning, struck out the side in the first,” Scott said. “And I was warming up for the second inning and Canseco came out and said, have to take you out.’ ”

Scott said the best part about being in the majors so far has been the reception in the clubhouse from everyone, even the big names like Dustin Pedroia and David Price.

Robbie Ross Jr. and Matt Barnes have been particular­ly helpful showing him the ropes.

Asked if he’s surprised he’s seen this much action, Scott was deferentia­l to manager John Farrell. But the way Fernando Abad has pitched — which is to say poorly against righties — might have cracked the door, in the regular season at least.

It seems unlikely Scott will make the postseason ‘I roster — assuming the Sox want to carry two lefties — even though Abad has a 6.39 ERA since he was acquired from the Twins at the trade deadline.

“When you’re in the minor league system and you’re grinding through the minor leagues . . . you see some guys that were drafted get the opportunit­y before you do,” Scott said. “But once you get here, everybody’s the same. And that’s the way I’ve been treated since I’ve been here.

“In the minor league days, you probably catch yourself thinking about it more often. The road that I’ve had to take makes everything now that much more special.”

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