Boston Herald


Debate fix is in … for Clinton


A bombshell move by Donald Trump attempting to spook Hillary Clinton by inviting her husband’s onetime mistress to tomorrow’s presidenti­al debate is a classic Trump-style mind game, experts said.

“To some extent, this is psychologi­cal warfare,” Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak told the Herald.

Trump yesterday took to Twitter to suggest he may seat Gennifer Flowers in the front row at the debate, which is expected to draw 100 million viewers.

Responding to an online taunt by billionair­e Clinton backer Mark Cuban, Trump yesterday fired back: “If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!”

Massachuse­tts GOP state Rep. Geoff Diehl, cochairman of Trump’s Bay State campaign, said the response was characteri­stically Trumpian.

“This is the way he’s been operating. He’ll stand up against the Clinton propaganda machine,” Diehl said. “It seems like he’s ready to answer the call to any distractio­n to the debate, and if that’s what Hillary Clinton wants to do to keep from talking about her failed tenure as secretary of state, I think he’s up for countering those attempts.”

Flowers revealed the 1980s affair during Bill Clinton’s 1992 run — spurring Hillary Clinton to vouch for him in a “60 Minutes” show widely viewed as saving the campaign.

Yesterday, Flowers tweeted back within hours with a pink smooched-lips emoji: “Hi Donald. You know I’m in your corner and will definitely be at the debate!”

Flowers’ assistant later confirmed the invitation in an email to Buzzfeed.

“Ms. Flowers has agreed to join Donald at the debate,” Judy Stell said.

The debate commission, known for looking askance at so much as applause from the audience, was quick to react in horror.

“We are going to frown upon — I will tell you this right now — whether or not a Republican or Democrat or anyone else attempts by use of tickets in placing people in a front row or not to try to impact the debate. It is wrong,” Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., co-chairman of the Commission on Presidenti­al Debates, said on CNN. “We would frown upon Mr. Cuban being in the front row if his purpose is to somehow disrupt the debate; likewise, if Mr. Trump was going to put someone in the front row to try and impact things.”

The gambit could prove dangerous, Mackowiak said.

“This adds a circus quality that is not helpful when Trump, more than anyone else, needs to appear to be a credible and plausible president of the United States,” Mackowiak said. “If this is a preview of what we will see Monday night, I think it’s bad for the country and bad for the candidates.”

First presidenti­al debates are a lot like Super Bowls — most years they don’t live up to the pregame hype. How could they?

The difference between debates and Super Bowls is that at kickoff, the score is even, 0-0. Tomorrow night at 9, Hillary Clinton starts with at least a 14-0 lead, maybe 17-0. That’s her builtin mainstream media advantage.

Vegas wouldn’t touch this one with a 10-foot pole. It’s fixed.

Whatever happens on Long Island, Hillary will immediatel­y be declared the winner by 98 percent of the press. The headlines are already written, the phonybalon­ey polls and focus groups are ready to roll.

Hillary has to accomplish only two feats in Hempstead. The first one is to get off a couple of canned zingers for her adoring fans in social media to run with Tuesday morning.

What’s the over/under on how many minutes it will take her to say, “I’m a grandmothe­r”? Comrade Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell will lap it up with a spoon. Oh, she so humanized herself, blah blah blah.

Hillary’s second task may prove more daunting: She has to remain vertical for 90 long minutes, with no oxygen mask or iron lung up there on the stage.

As we all know, there’s something wrong with Hillary, and I don’t mean her cirrhosis of the soul. There’s that hacking cough, and her tendency to collapse in sweltering 78-degree heat waves. Delivering prepared remarks, she sometimes blanks out in mid-sentence. And now there’s that thing with her eyes.

Still, she’s got it a lot easier than Donald Trump. Think about it — if he interrupts her, he’s a misogynist bully. If she interrupts him, she is woman, hear her roar. She is powering through. They’ll put the blast on him if he calls her “Hillary.” How dare he not respect Madame Secretary!

With Democrats, if it weren’t for the double standard, there would be no standards at all.

Remember Hillary’s first run for the Senate in New York, back in 2000? Her opponent was a Republican congressma­n, Rick Lazio. He wanted her to sign a pledge not to take dirty money — obviously a non-starter for anyone named Clinton.

So, on the debate stage, in front of the TV cameras, he politely approached her with the pledge card and a pen. Lazio got inside her, what do they call it, personal space. OMG. The New York Times demanded his extraditio­n to The Hague to stand trial in the World Court for crimes against humanity.

Trump can’t get down in the weeds with her. He’s got to hammer away with a few catchphras­es — what the Clinton News Network in the post-debate analysis will describe as “dog whistles.”

“Fivefold increase in immigratio­n of ‘unvetted’ Syrian refugees … emails … law ’n’ order … Make America Great Again.”

Maybe throw in an oldie-buta-goodie: “Are you better off than you were eight years ago?”

Unless you’re an illegal alien or a Muslim terrorist on welfare, there can only be one possible answer to that question.

Then there’s the moderator, Lester Holt. They say he’s a registered Republican, but then so are the Bushes, Colin Powell and Susan Collins. He’s seen his NBC colleagues Matt Lauer and Jimmy Fallon excoriated for committing the ultimate heresy — declining to spit in Donald Trump’s face when they had him on their shows.

Guaranteed, Lester won’t make the same mistake. He doesn’t want to be shipped back to the Palookavil­le known as MSNBC.

Two on one is Democrat fun. So whatever happens, here’s your headline for Tuesday morning: Hillary Wins, Election Over. No, she doesn’t, and no, it isn’t. Listen to Howie 3-7 on WRKO AM 680.

 ?? AP FILE PHOTO ?? ‘PSYCHOLOGI­CAL WARFARE’: GOP nominee Donald Trump invited Gennifer Flowers, one-time mistress of former President Bill Clinton, to tomorrow’s debate.
AP FILE PHOTO ‘PSYCHOLOGI­CAL WARFARE’: GOP nominee Donald Trump invited Gennifer Flowers, one-time mistress of former President Bill Clinton, to tomorrow’s debate.
 ??  ?? MARK CUBAN
 ?? AP PHOTO ?? PREGAME ROUTINE: Donald Trump waves to the crowd during a rally in Roanoke, Va., yesterday ahead of tomorrow’s first debate.
AP PHOTO PREGAME ROUTINE: Donald Trump waves to the crowd during a rally in Roanoke, Va., yesterday ahead of tomorrow’s first debate.
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