Boston Herald

Don’t make a federal case out of Comey’s actions

- Jaclyn Cashman

C u t James Comey a break! The FBI director isn’t damaging democracy, he’s trying to restore faith in the system by informing everyone that his agency is reopening the case involving Hillary Clinton’s misuse of her private server. Yes, it’s bad timing for the Clinton campaign. But how dishonest would it be if Comey sat on any new informatio­n and withheld it from the voters? Comey is stuck between a rock and hard place. He could have waited until after the election to let Congress know the FBI may have unearthed some “lost” Clinton emails. But by defying Democrats across the nation with this announceme­nt, he can no longer be criticized for trying to rig the election in favor of Clinton. His integrity is restored.

Ignore corrupt politician­s like Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and his bizarre claim that Comey violated the Hatch Act — a law meant to bar political activity by most executive branch members.

Let’s not forget that Reid inserted himself in the 2012 presidenti­al race when he lied on the Senate floor by claiming Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes. Years later, he acknowledg­ed he lied about the false accusation­s against Romney. Reid proudly told CNN, “Romney didn’t win, did he?”

Ultimately, it was Hillary Clinton’s sloppy handling of her private server and emails that forced Comey’s hand.

This whole episode should be a lesson to anyone under investigat­ion to cooperate with law enforcemen­t. When you withhold informatio­n and they find out about it later, the ramificati­ons can be very damning. Just ask Hillary.

Another lesson: You are judged by the company you keep. Huma Abedin might be as loyal as they come, but she didn’t properly cover her tracks and protect Clinton.

She made a bad choice staying married to a serial sexter, Anthony Weiner, and then didn’t think to search his laptop? Somehow hundreds of thousands of her emails were stored on that laptop, which feds found while investigat­ing his alleged sexting with a teenager.

James Comey certainly broke the customary protocol when he reopened the FBI’s investigat­ion of Clinton’s emails just days before the election. Now he needs to keep American voters updated on his probe.

And he’d better put some speed in his step.

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