Boston Herald

Eric Trump says scandal ‘botched from the get-go’

- By CHRIS VILLANI — chris.villani@bostonhera­

The FBI’s new probe of 650,000 emails reportedly linked to Hillary Clinton is an overdue triumph for the Donald Trump team, one of the candidate’s sons said on Boston Herald Radio.

“I think I would have liked to have seen it handled properly from the get-go,” Eric Trump said of the initial probe that ended with no charges this past summer. “I commend them for doing the right thing after all, but I don’t think anyone could say this wasn’t botched from the get-go.”

FBI Director James B. Comey announced Friday the bureau had discovered additional emails and is reviewing them to see whether Clinton improperly transmitte­d any classified informatio­n while using a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

The new revelation­s came as the FBI was looking into former New York U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner, who is accused of sexting with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner’s estranged wife is Huma Abedin, a close Clinton adviser and aide.

Eric Trump said he was not surprised to see another scandal involving the Clintons.

“I do still think there’s a lot of things, look at the Clinton Foundation, it’s shocking to me someone is not in jail for what happened there,” Eric Trump said. “It’s a criminal enterprise, there is no doubt about it. It’s one of the great Ponzi schemes of all time.”

Eric Trump did not join a chorus of calls for Comey’s resignatio­n.

“I don’t know him, I’m a civilian in this process, so I will leave that to the people who do this every day to decide that,” he said. “I am just happy the investigat­ion is reopened.”

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? ‘IT’S SHOCKING’: Eric Trump called the Clinton Foundation a ‘criminal enterprise’ yesterday on Boston Herald Radio.
AP PHOTO ‘IT’S SHOCKING’: Eric Trump called the Clinton Foundation a ‘criminal enterprise’ yesterday on Boston Herald Radio.

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