Boston Herald

Faith, conviction of ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ hero inspires Gibson


LOS ANGELES — “Hacksaw Ridge” chronicles — with all its carnage and heroism — one of WWII’s most ferocious battles, yet for Mel Gibson, “I’m thinking it’s a love story and not a war film.”

Back in the director’s seat after his Oscarwinni­ng 1995 “Braveheart” and “The Passion of the Christ” (2004), Gibson here salutes Desmond Doss, a key player in the unbelievab­le slaughterh­ouse that was the May 1945 fight for the Japanese-held island of Okinawa.

“Okinawa was the greatest loss of life in the South Pacific. The Japanese even described a ‘steel rain’ of bullets and explosions. Napalm was used. So I wanted to make it real,” Gibson, 60, began.

“It also highlights what it means for a man with faith and conviction­s to go into a situation that is hell on earth; a situation that reduces most men to the level of animals.

“In the midst of that maelstrom, Desmond Doss achieves something higher, in fact above war, above religion, above everything. It’s like he goes in and performs acts of love. Which is the beauty of the story — and the pinnacle of heroism.”

Conscienti­ous objector Doss enlisted to be an Army field medic; he would not carry or use a rifle.

When the army retreated from the Okinawa ledge 400 feet above the sea, Doss stayed and saved 75 wounded men, lowering each one by ropes.

He was the first C.O. to be given the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award.

Does Gibson see Doss as a Christ-like figure?

“There are parallels. Jesus Christ is Desmond Doss’ hero. Christ proclaims, ‘No greater love hath no man than he lay down his life for his friends’ — and what was Desmond doing that whole time? Through Guam and Okinawa? He was practicing that.”

How religious is Gibson, divorced and expecting his ninth child, with girlfriend Rosalind Ross?

“Look, I’m a poor practition­er. I would like to have good faith, which is why I see stories like this about a guy like Desmond, whose faith is unshakable. I’m inspired by that. Maybe I can take a leaf out of his book on some level.

“It’s not about religion so much as it is about faith and conviction. And pure love, which is at the heart of God I think.

“As far as I go — and I’m imperfect — maybe I’ll sort my stuff out in private.” (“Hacksaw Ridge” opens Friday.)

 ??  ?? LEADING THE CHARGE: Mel Gibson, above center and below, directs Sam Worthingto­n, left, and Vince Vaughn, right, in ‘Hacksaw Ridge.’
LEADING THE CHARGE: Mel Gibson, above center and below, directs Sam Worthingto­n, left, and Vince Vaughn, right, in ‘Hacksaw Ridge.’
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