Boston Herald



Tom Brady was magnificen­t, not only with his arm but also his pocket presence and play selection. Rex Ryan's coverages often gave him no quick place to go with the ball, and when the pocket broke down, he often moved just enough to avoid sacks and give receivers time to create space. When Rex changed things up, Brady made him pay, finding Rob Gronkowski con- sistently when he was left in single coverage. He did the same with Chris Hogan. Both those players burned the Bills for 53-yard touchdown catches, two of Brady's four scoring strikes. He was 5-for-5 for 96 yards and two scores on third downs to open the game, setting the tone for another difficult day for Ryan. Brady's first TD, a 9-yard throw to Danny Amendola, was a direct result of his movement in the pocket extending the play long enough for his receiver to shake free. He also made a great read to locate Hogan one-on-one against cornerback Stephon Gilmore. Hogan ran through the weak jam, and Brady hit him in stride for an easy score. Later he realized Buffalo had been forced to drop its deep safety inside, leaving Gronkowski in a one-on-one mismatch with the ultimate nickel back, Nickell Robey-Coleman. Coleman was giving up eight inches, 100 pounds and speed. Forget about it, another 53yard TD pass up the seam. Brady several times audibled into the right throw, something his receivers trust he will always do. He always sees the mismatch.

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Tom Brady is sacked.
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