Boston Herald



Donald Trump has added two last-minute rallies in New Hampshire — including an event at a 12,000-seat arena in Manchester on election eve — amid signs the race in the Granite State could be tightening and loom large nationally.

“New Hampshire is completely up for grabs,” said Steve Duprey, the state’s Republican National Committeem­an. “That’s why it’s smart of Mr. Trump to come back and for Mrs. Clinton to do the same. There are a number of scenarios that could play out that could make New Hampshire a critical swing state.”

Trump will campaign in Atkinson, N.H., tomorrow at noon, then hold a big rally at SNHU Arena in Manchester — where 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney ended his campaign the night before Election Day.

New Hampshire polls have fluctuated wildly in recent weeks. Clinton led by 15 points in a WMUR/UNH poll conducted in mid-October. But an Emerson College survey released Friday put Clinton up by just 3.

The Real Clear Politics average of polls has Clinton on top by 4.7 points.

“A couple of weeks ago, it was solidly in the Hillary column, and now it’s tightened,” said pollster John Zogby. “But in addition to that ... Trump has got to win in some places where he isn’t leading. He’s got to go beyond Ohio and Florida to get to 270, and so those 4 electoral votes (in New Hampshire) loom large.”

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? BATTLEGROU­ND STUMPING: Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton greets people outside an early voting center in Lauderhill, Fla., yesterday.
AP PHOTO BATTLEGROU­ND STUMPING: Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton greets people outside an early voting center in Lauderhill, Fla., yesterday.

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